Status: Finished; working on the sequel

In The Dark

Chapter Thirteen

I am so angry right now. My group consists of five people that I’ve never seen before in my life, Lana, and to top it off, Nick. He’s the group leader.

We’re in the elevator going to the park. I don’t believe there’s a park here but whatever.

When the doors open, everyone gasps. We all step out… into paradise. There’s grass as green as in the fantasy movies, a fake-but- realistic- looking ocean at the end, and a jungle gym.

The weird thing though, is that the jungle gym is on the roof, more than one hundred and fifty feet above our heads. Other than that, there’re swings, seesaws, a basketball court, a soccer field, a tennis court, a sandbox [for the little kids probably], benches, and a water fountain ring in the middle. It’s a huge room, if you haven’t guessed already.

Nick turns to me, grinning mischievously, and points up.

“Wanna climb the jungle gym?”

I stare at him, dumfounded. “It’s 100 feet above our heads!”

“Yup. Wanna climb it?”

“No! If I fell I’d break something.”

“You’d be fine. We’re very agile. Wanna see?”

I look at him, suspicious, but still curious to see if he can do it. “Fine.”

He’s instantly in a crouch, looking up at the jungle gym. He squints a little, seemingly calculating the distance. Then, totally without warning, he springs up, and goes shooting through the air like a rocket, until he’s higher than the jungle gym. He falls a few feet back to the structure and lands soundly in a bar, his balance keeping him steady.

Everyone gapes up at him, me included.

“So? You want to try it,” he calls down. “Maybe Lana wants to try it?”

Lana starts when he says her name, and looks over at me. I shrug. If she wants to try it, fine. But I’m not going. I already know that.

She shakes her head at Nick. “No. If Kyra’s not trying, then I’m not either.”

“Hey.” Nick calls back down at me. “Come on, Kyra. You’re holding her back. She wants to come up, so why don’t you?”

I glare at him. “I’m not my sister, Nick. If she wanted to try, then she’d come up.”

Nick stares down at me for a while, then lets himself drop. A few girls scream, and Lana clutches my arm, but I don’t move at all.

He lands safely in a low crouch, and then straightens up, stretching, and looking pretty full of himself. The girls next to me are giggling and flirting with him now, and I roll my eyes toward the ceiling and turn around.

“Great. Now can we just finish this tour please?”

“Oh come on. Don’t be jealous, Kyra. You had a chance, but you blew it.”

I whirl to face him and his smile falters slightly. Only slightly.

“Are you mocking me?”

“Of course I’m not mocking you. You know I wouldn’t mock you.” However, his tone says different.

“Show him who’s boss Loli.” The voice.

I smile and crouch down as I saw Nick do, and look up at the jungle gym. My mind seems to be calculating distances without me even doing anything.

Nick looks slightly worried.

“Wait a minute. If you don’t do this right, you could really-”

I don’t give him a chance to finish, but force myself off the ground.

I shoot through the air, feeling the air whip past my face, and blast past the jungle gym, still gaining speed. Uh oh. I’m not slowing down. Why am I not slowing down?!

Looking up, I see the ceiling coming up, and I know I’m not going to stop. Everyone is yelling at me from the ground, but I can’t control anything at all. I shut my eyes.

“Kyra?… Kyra? Loli? … Hello? ANSWER ME!”

Something hits me in the stomach. Hard. I open my eyes to a very scared and teary-faced Lana standing over me. When I turn my head, I see Ryan standing on my other side watching me, just as concerned as Lana.

“Why do you always look so worried about me,” I ask him weakly. “I can take care of myself. I don’t need your concern.”

He looks a little hurt by this, so I add a small “Thank you” and turn back to Lana. She pounces instantly.

“Oh my gosh Kyra! Are you hurt? Oh why would I ask that, of course you’re hurt. When I saw you hit the ceiling, I couldn’t believe it. You hit so hard too. Nick caught you when you fell back down, and you had this big bump on your head like in the cartoons, but this wasn’t funny at all… Oh... tell me you’re okay?”

“I’m fine Lana. Chill.”

This makes her mad for some reason.

“Don’t tell me to “chill” Kyra! I’ve been worried sick about you for the past four hours! I never left this room once, and you’re telling me to chill?” She’s furious.

“Well fine then! I’ll chill. But definitely not here with you!”

“Lana come on, I only meant-”

She turns and stalks out, not giving me a chance to finish. I sigh and rub my head. One spot is kind of throbbing. That must be where I took the impact.

“She really was worried about you, you know,” Ryan says. “You could have been a little more sympathetic.

This really irritates me. “Oh yeah Ryan? Well how would you feel if you just slammed head first into a ceiling? I’m sure you wouldn’t be so sympathetic either!” I glare at him, and he rolls his eyes, obviously fed up too.

“Just ignore her rude comments Ryan. I don’t know for sure, for I wasn’t in here with the medical staff, but I’m pretty sure it’s her time of month.”

I gape as Nick strolls into the room, knowing that if my skin were a few shades lighter, I’d be as red as a tomato.

Ryan turns to face the wall and I know he’s stifling his laughs.

I ball my fists. “Get out of here,” I practically roar at Nick.

This only makes his grin increase though. “No. I don’t have to. I own half of these facilities. And this room is part of said half.”

I decide to back down a little.

“So who owns the other half?”

He goes over to the counter and picks up a clipboard and scans over it, then says, “You do.”

I blink. Did he just say…?

I do? Doesn’t it belong to the people who work here? Like Robert or that Japanese woman? That would make more sense.”

Nick sets down the clipboard and looks at me.

“We’re not talking about what “makes sense”; we’re talking about what’s true. Basically, the truth is that you and I are the owners of these facilities. No strings attached.”

Ryan has been looking between the two of us this whole time, very dramatically, and now he speaks up.

“Why does she get half? No, better yet, why do you get half? Why do either of you get any of this place?”

Nick looks at him teasingly. “What? Don’t be jealous Ryan.”

“I’m not jealous. I just don’t see why Kyra gets half. You on the other hand, are like forty, so it’s not particularly unheard of.”

At this remark, Nick turns fully to face him, almost sneering. “I’m twenty years old. I know I don’t look forty. And yes, it seems as though you are jealous.”

“Okay know what,” I break in, standing up slowly. They both rush closer to help me, but I swat their hands away. “I’m fine. But what happened with the rest of the group?”

Nick, still looking wary, answers this.

“They finished the rest of the tour with another group.”

“I want to finish it.”

“That’s probably not the best idea, Kyra. You’re not in the best condition to walk around as much as the others and-”

“I don’t care. I at least want to see my half of this place.” I take a step towards the door, testing to see if anything hurts. Nothing does though. Relaxed, I walk steadily out the door, and they follow me.

I don’t know where I am. There are at least five hallways going in opposite directions.

Nick takes the lead, and we go down the hallway on the left. There’s a wall at the end and, knowing what to do, I go up to it and place my hand in the middle of it. It slides open without a sound.

Ryan stops dead in his tracks at what we see ahead.


Absolutely nothing.

Confused? So am I. I turn to Nick.

He has this weird gleam in his eyes now. It’s somewhat scary.

“Welcome to the flight room. This is on your half by the way. This is where we will practice our airborne skills.”

“Airborne skills? What are you talking about? Are there planes in here?”

This earns me a chuckle. I look at Ryan. He shrugs, but I can tell that he knows something.

I stare out in to the nothingness in front of me. Everything is perfectly white. It looks like it came straight out of one of my crazy dreams. No walls, no ground… at least, not in my line of sight.

Nick closes his eyes. “Back up a little bit.”

We take a couple of steps back.

Nick mumbles a few things under his breath, then, right before our eyes… wings appear on his back!

They don’t just grow, like in the movies, but they just… materialize out of thin air. They’re the weirdest wings I’ve ever seen. Not animal wings, but, like, some sort of alien wings.

Wait. I’m not explaining this well at all. Okay… so… really, they resemble dragonfly wings, but they have weird patterns running through them in black. When I say running through them, I really mean running through them.

Almost as if they’re alive, these patterns are moving around the wings by themselves. Spinning, and twisting, intersecting, and then doing it again, repeatedly.

I back up some more and just keep going until my back is against the wall more than ten feet away from him. Ryan comes over to me.

“You okay?” He takes my arm, supporting me, as I start to slide down the wall.

I shake my head no. Nick has turned and is looking at me in understanding. But he doesn’t understand. He’ll never understand.

“I’m not like you,” I manage to stammer. “You’re a freak. I am not like you. I will never be like you. I’m not a freak. I can’t be. This is all just a big misunderstanding.”

“Kyra…” Nick starts, his eyes pleading with me to be reasonable.

I shake my head again and start screaming.

“I’m not like you! I never will be. Stop treating me like one of you people. Do I look like a freak? I-”

“Do I look like a freak Kyra?” Nick is staring at me with dead calm eyes. “I don’t look like a freak, and I’m not a freak. Neither are you, and neither are any of the kids here. We were all part of a freak accident, but were not freaks. It just made us different.”

I’m shaking, and Ryan puts his arms around my shoulders, keeping me still. I lean into him, no longer able to support myself, and bury my face in his shoulder.

Nick continues.

“You’re afraid of being different. You’ve always been like that Kyra. You want to blend in. Well, sorry to tell you that you can’t do that out in the world. Not anymore. Now, you are one of us, and you’ll always be one of us. The only place you can blend in is here.”

I can’t even blend in here. I’ll never belong anywhere.

“This is just too much,” I mumble into Ryan’s shirt.

Nick [I don’t know how, I was really quiet] hears this, and nods. “Of course. Well, the others should be finished with their tours as well, so I suppose you can go and meet with them now.”

He takes a device out of his pocket and, pressing a button, says, “Jaiden come get Kyra and take her to the central area.”

Ryan looks up sharply. “What about me?”

“You’ll go with them.”

I lift my head up from Ryan’s shirt. “What about you?”

Nick looks plain exasperated. “Well I thought that you don’t care about me anyway. However, since you want to know so badly, I’m going flying. By myself apparently.”

I’m thinking about this still as Jaiden comes around the corner. He doesn’t stop once, just lifts me up and turns to go. His frame feels so unreal that it’s almost like a dream.

“Jaiden wait!” He freezes mid step and I look back at Nick.

He raises his eyebrows at me. “What? You ready to embrace this now? If not, you should just go with Jaiden. I’m not angry. You should learn at your own pace. But nothing you do can change who you are now.”

Jaiden looks down at me, and I see something close to curiosity in his eyes. I meet his stare. His hard frame doesn’t seem so scary now. It’s actually a little bit comfortable.

“Put me down please.”

He sets me down gently and takes a step back. I wipe my hands on my suit and turn to face Nick. Here goes nothing.

“I… I’m not saying that I’ve fully accepted this yet. Far from it… but I… I want- I want to try. I’m going to try.”

Nick wait’s a couple moments before nodding and smiling, looking so relieved that I can’t help but smile too. A little bit.

Ryan also looks relieved. But when I look at him, his expression turns to indifferent.

Nick claps his hands together. “So! You want to learn how to fly? I’ll give you your first lesson now if you want.”

I peer over his shoulder to the emptiness behind him.

“Does this room have walls? Does it ever end?”

“Of course. But not for two miles, every way.”

“ … Okay then.”

He steps behind me and covers my eyes with his hands. “Now,” he says a little too loudly in my ear. “Try to feel the spots where your wings should be.”

What? “I don’t know where they should be.”

His fingers touch two spots between my shoulder blades. “There and there.”

Okay… I picture wings there, and for a second I can actually see them, but then the image is gone and I can’t get it back. My shoulders droop. “I lost it,” I say to Nick dejectedly.

He doesn’t answer, but steps back. Next to me, Ryan’s eyes go huge. I look behind me, and gasp in complete shock.


They’re a lot bigger than Nick’s are, and they don’t even seem to be attached to me, but they’re there, clear as day! Like Rayman! You know, that bird man in the video game with the hands and feet that aren’t really attached to him by limbs?

Another difference is that they don’t look like bug wings, or bird wings. They don’t look like wings at all to be honest. Well, yes they do, but completely different.

They aren’t solid. You know how when you have a bubble wand, and you dip it into the soap and take it out, it looks like a thin film of clear water is in the middle? The colorful pattern that’s usually swirling around on it?

Well imagine that, only it’s bigger and in the shape of Dragonfly wings and you’ll have an image of what they look like. Except the rainbow pattern that’s swirling around, is all different shades of blue and green.

When I concentrate hard, I get them to flutter softly. It’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen, without a doubt.

Nick reaches out and takes hold of one, and it tickles. He observes it carefully, pokes at a few spots, and I can’t help but laugh. It tickles so much.

Finally, he lets go and nods approvingly. “Okay, they’re nicely developed. However, you can’t fly yet. They’re still too sensitive.”

“What am I supposed to do, then,” I whine.

“Go with the plan, finish the tour and then meet the others back in the central area.”

I sulk a little. “Do I get to keep my wings out?”

“You’d have to even if you didn’t want to.”

“Fine. Lets go.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I personally love this chapter.