Status: Hey guys...this is my first story and its not gonna be that long. But please do comment because i would really appreciate your inputs. Thanks!

They Thought Wrong

More than I was willing to admit

When I make it home I go straight to my room and change into a pair of red and black mens' basketball shorts and a black tank top and throw on my converse. I jump back in the car and make my way to the gym.

There, I work out for three hours straight jumping rope, bench pressing, and throwing a few punches on the punching bag. Yeah I have worked up quite a sweat but I feel a lot better and can relax a bit now.

I go home to take a much needed shower and throw on my jammies and sit on my bed and read. At eight o'clock at night Josh calls but of course I ignore it. He calls two more times but figures out I am ignoring his calls and gives up and text me. I want to read it but im afraid if I do I will run back to him and I really and truly think its best for him if we are not friends. So I erase the message, close my book and turn in for the night. Yeah i went to bed before nine. Bite me.

The next morning I wake up and get ready for school. I arrive late, on purpose of course. I just skip first period entirely. To make it easier on both of us and arrive five minutes prior to second period.

At lunch I try and act like I dont see Josh at all and walk to a table on the complete opposite side of the cafeteria. You may think I am being childish, but really im not. I eat my lunch in peace and never make eye contact with Josh once. I get up to leave but not before seeing Josh following me out the cafeteria.

Once I turn the corner, I go into the girls restroom and wait till I hear Josh's footsteps pass. Then i return to my locker to prepare for class. I know I seem like a coward for running but what else am i supposed to do.

The rest of the day turns out uneventful, actually so does the rest of the week. It simply consists of me avoiding Josh at all cost and missing first period five times a week. No biggie.

I actually consider changing my number but I dont and I guess im glad becauseI guess I need Josh more than I was willing to admit, but I didnt know that at the time.
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Hey another update! yay i am goin to ask for comments again though to see if people have a heart or not lol
oh and sorry for the short chapter, kinda a filler. I was in a rush:( Next chapter will be longer. I promise.
