Status: work in progress

London Foolishly

No One Understands What I Have Found


Another day. Another day of nonstop work. Everything I do involves my job. I can't go to the fucking bathroom without bringing my work with me. I guess that's the price I pay for wanting fame. I wanted this. I wanted my name in lights and everyone singing along to my music, but its not worth it anymore. I hate having to watch what I do at all times. I hate the constant scrutiny the fans and critics put on me. I mean, fuck, I can't talk to a girl without the press turning it into something its not.

I knew this was my last tour. I knew from the beginning I was done. I tried to tell my family, but they just told me I was tired and need to rest. They never listen to me. Why would they? They have so much to deal with when it comes to our career. You'd think they'd care more about they're biggest star. If it wasn't for me there would be no Jonas Brothers.

Sometimes I wish I'd never been discovered. If I hadn't opened my mouth in that hair salon none of this would have happened. I wonder what it would be like if I'd had a normal childhood. I imagine I would be a lot happier then I am now.

I'm unhappy. I need to get away from what's making me unhappy, the fame. The only way I know how to do that is to just...disappear.
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New story I'm working on, comments would be great!

Its short right now but the next chapter will be a lot longer!

: )