Status: work in progress

London Foolishly

Big Ben Breathing Down My Neck Again


"Nicholas pay attention!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my father. We were in a meeting about our European leg of the tour which would start in a weeks time. There was a model replica of our stage laid out on the conference table in front of me.

"I am." I said lazily.

"Really then what did I say?"

I looked away from my father and his attitude. "Something stupid I'm sure." I mumbled loud enough for the table full of people to hear.

My father opened his mouth to respond but thought otherwise knowing a fight with me wouldn't change anything. He went on with his speech about the stage and the pyrotechnics. At this point I zoned out again not caring anymore about the technicalities of the tour.

"Nick." My eldest brother said quietly, nudging me with his elbow.

"What?" I asked harshly.

"We want to know if your OK with everything." My father said his displeasure with me evident in his tone.

I looked at him square in the face. My response was on the tip of my tongue. Was OK with everything? Hell no. Could I say that? Of course not. I'm supposed to agree with everything.

"Yeah. Fine. Whatever." I finally answered.

At last the meeting was over which meant I didn't have to deal with my father any longer. I picked up my keys from the table and attempted to leave unnoticed. I failed.

"Nicholas wait a second." My father ordered.

I sighed heavily but stopped in my tracks as I was told. My brothers sent me knowing looks as they left the room free to do as they please for the rest of the day. My father waited until the last of the band had left the room the door falling shut behind them.

He looked down at some papers in his hand silently reading them. "Don't you ever disrespect me like that again." His tone was cold.

"I didn't disrespect you." I said trying to sound just as cold as him.

He gave me a sharp looking. "I mean it. I won't put up with your attitude."

"What are you gonna do?" I asked glaring at him. "Kick me out of the band? Go ahead. It'll be a dream come true for me."

He stayed silent for a few minutes I could tell he was figuring out what would happen if did kick me out of the band.

"Just leave." He finally said.

I knew I had won this round but my dad always came back into the ring swinging harder then before.

I walked out of the office glad to be done with my father's bullshit. I took the stairs down to the lobby needing the exercise to calm me down. The seven flats of stairs quickly came to an end and I entered the crowded record company lobby. Hopeful new acts sat nervously in chairs while experienced artists walked by with too much confidence. I kept my head down as I passed through the lobby. I didn't need to deal anyone at the moment.

Once out side I took a deep breath then hurried to my car parked in the record companies parking garage. I waited as the vale got my car from the garage. I kept my back to the people walking past me; the last thing I needed was being rushed by a group of fan girls.

"Here you are, sir." The vale said opening the door to my favorite car, my Mustang.

"Thanks." I said handing the vale a tip then getting in my car.

I sped away from the bustling downtown Los Angeles street taking back roads to avoid traffic and cameras. In no time at all I was at my apartment. I parked my car in its appropriate spot and shut the ignition off. I didn't make a move to leave my car instead I shut my eyes and took a deep breath.

I needed to clear my mind before I entered the apartment I shared with my girlfriend of almost a year, Alexis. I didn't defiantly did not want to have her down my throat about my attitude.

I exited my car and locked before I ran up to the door to enter the building. I walked past the sleeping door man chuckling slightly at the sight of the old man. I again took the stairs this time taking them as slow as possible. Much too soon I was at my apartment where I knew my girlfriend would be waiting for me.

When I opened the door it was eerily silent. All of the lights were off making the only light come from an open window.

"Lexi?" I called into the quiet room.

I shut the door quietly then set my keys in the dish by the door. I flicked on the hallway light as I passed the switch.

"Lex!" I called again. There was no response.

I entered our bedroom and stood in shock in the door way.

The dresser drawers were thrown open there contents now empty. My clothes had been thrown on the bed hastily into a pile. On top of the pile a note laid waiting for me to find it.

Once the initial shock wore off I stalked across the room to the piece of not book paper. Alexis' neat hand writing took up half the page, and as I read the words began to mesh together as emotions I hadn't felt in a long time flooded into me.

I'm sorry but I can't handle this relationship any longer. I can't stand your constant mood swings, and your reserved manner. I love you, and I really do care about you, but I'm not in love with you anymore. I hope you can understand. I left you rent money for the next two months, I know you probably don't need it but I felt bad not leaving you some. Please don't be too mad at me, I really hope one day we can be friends.

I reread the note trying to wrap my head around what it said. Then suddenly it hit me. She left. She fucking left.

"Fuck!" I screamed as I crumpled up the piece of paper and threw it across the room.

I fell to the floor unable to control myself any longer, this was not what was supposed to happen. I was the one who would have broken things off after we hit the one year mark not her.

I was slowly spiraling out of control. First the fight with my father now this. Nothing was going right.
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Hope you all like!

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