Status: work in progress

London Foolishly

All This Baggage That I'm Carrying It's Time To Lay It Down


"Hey rock star." Sofia said with a smile that shone through the darkness.

"What are you doing here?" I asked looking around the street.

"I just needed some air." Sofia said with a smirk.

"Right." I said awkwardly.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm sort of lost." I admitted.

"You’re lost?" Sofia asked holding in a laugh.

"Yeah I'm trying to find this bus station but...” I trailed off helplessly.

"Why do you need to go to the bus station?" Sofia asked.

"Can you show me the way?" I asked avoiding the question.

"Where are you going?" Sofia asked and as if anticipating I'd avoiding the question added. "I could drive you there."

"Cambridge." I answered.

"Cool. I can drive you if you want."

"Thanks but I don't want burden-"

"Don't worry about it. Come on." Sofia walked past me in the direction I had been going.

I followed her unsure of this he didn't go with the plan. "I can take the bus its no big deal." I said trying to some how persuade her to take me to the bus station.

"Is there a reason you don't want to be around me?" Sofia asked stopping in her tracks to look at me.

"No it’s not that I just -"

"Don't want to be a burden." Sofia finished for me. "Your not. I don't mind."

With a sigh I nodded then motioned for her to continued walking. We walked next to each other in a comfortable silence we walked up a steep hill leaving me breathless.

"Out of shape, rock star?" Sofia asked me with a chuckle.

"No. It’s the cold air." I said defensively.

"Sure." Sofia said rolling her eyes.

"Why don't you have an accent?" I asked looking at her.

"I didn't grow up here." She said with a shrug. "I've only lived her for three years."

"Can I ask why you moved here?"

"That would be another secret." Sofia said quietly.

"Fair enough."

We turned a corner and Sofia suddenly walked up the walk way to a stone building. It was tall had many windows facing the street.

"Is this where you live?" I asked as we entered the building.

"Yep." Sofia said as she walked down a long dimly lit hallway.

We stopped at a door I assumed was Sofia's apartment. She unlocked it went inside. I cautiously followed her in. The apartment was small all one room he was currently standing in the kitchen area.

"Small but it works." Sofia said. "I just have to grab some stuff then we'll go."

I stood awkwardly by the door watching Sofia putting various items into a bag. She filled the bag to the point where it things were falling out.

"Why do you need all of this?" I asked amused as she struggled to make it all fit.

"I'm going to stay in Cambridge too. My sister lives there with our grand parents." She said with a huff of air.

"Oh cool. Do you need some help?" I asked raising an eye brow at her.

"No." She said stubbornly.

Finally with a cry of excitement she had the bag shut. "OK we can go." She said picking up the bag.

I retreated out of the apartment and waited for Sofia. When she walked out we walked down to the street and to a blue car.

"Put your bag in here." She said opening the trunk.

I set my bag next to her over filled one and shut the door. I quickly got in the car and waited for the heat to warm my cold body. Sofia turned the car and pulled out onto the street.

"So what should we listen to?" Sofia asked turning on the radio. An upbeat pop song came through the air waves.

"Not this." I said quickly turning the station.

"Don't like your fellow pop stars?"

I glanced at Sofia. "Not her."

"Ah. Of course I forgot. She's an ex-girlfriend of yours." Sofia said with a chuckle.

I chose to ignore her comment and continued to go through the stations. I found one that played oldies and stopped there. I sat back against the seat and closed my eyes.

"Tired?" Sofia asked.

"Yes." I said simply hoping she'd leave me alone.

"Maybe if you weren't sneaking off in the middle of the night you wouldn't be." She said.

I didn't respond I tried to ignore her and listen to the music.

"Why are you sneaking off?" She asked loudly.


"Well thanks for that explanation."

"It’s hard to go somewhere when there's people constantly around." I explained.


"Yeah. Truthfully no one knows I'm leaving." I continued.

"Really? Why are you leaving?" Sofia asked.

"Long story."

"Well we have plenty of time now."

"I don't wanna talk about it." I snapped.

Sofia glanced at me. "Alright. I get it no personal questions."

I looked out the car window and watched the lights from the other cars fly by. Only the softly playing music was the only sound in the car while we drove. I closed my eyes and let the stress of the day leave my body as I fell into a comfortable slumber. I awoke to the sun rising over the distant horizon.

“Hey there sleepy head, did you have a nice nap?” Sofia said quietly.

“Hey. Where are we?” I asked noticing the passing buildings.

“Our final destination.”

“Oh alright, you can take me to the nearest hotel I guess.”

Sofia glanced at me raising her eyebrow at me, “Or you could stay with me.”

“I don’t want to intrude.” I said quickly. “I’ll be fine by myself at the hotel.”

“Something tells me, rock star, you don’t want to be alone.”
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