Status: still writing.

Vampires 'R Us


I am a vampire. That’s not a very good way to start a story, but I’m not kidding. I am a blood thirsty vampire who sucks blood from people. Okay, maybe I’m not blood thirsty but I do drink blood.
Some people think a whole bunch of myths are true about us vampires. Most are wrong, but a couple of them are true.
Like the myth that says vampires can’t be in sunlight. We can be in sunlight, it doesn’t make our skin boil, or make us melt. Hey, I can even get a tan if I wanted one. Sunlight does only one thing it burns rabid vampires.
I bet your wondering what rabid vampires are now. Okay, let me clear this up. There are two types of vampires. There are regular vampires like me and then there are rabid vampires. Rabid vampires are blood thirsty animals that feast on blood like mosquitoes.
And how might one become rabid. You become rabid when you drink blood more than once. Regular vampires only have blood once a year since that’s all we need, and it’s very important to drink only once a year. And once you drink it more than once you start craving it more and more until you can’t stand it anymore. Then you go off and drink from somebody.
The only time regular vampires crave blood is a few hours before we have our yearly blood drinking. The reason why we only need it once a year is because it goes straight to the heart and pumps the blood through our veins reason why we only need it once a year is because it goes straight to the heart and pumps the blood through our veins for only 364 days then we have to drink blood again.
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Sorry its short i started this story a while ago but i decide to edit it all over. So please read it and make comments tell me if its bad or good.~Kelsea