In the Realms of Angels

An Angelic Interlude: Light and Life

A Light.....

Warm... Serene...

It felt as though all my cares melted away in a flash of brilliance. All of the pain... all of the fear...

I heard a voice.....

Gentle... Calming...

"You're safe now, my brother... It's not the end anymore... Just the beginning." the silky voice wisped around my head.

"What?" I thought aloud, "Who are you? Where is this place?"

"Safe now..." the voice wisped around.

"Safe..." it faded...

Pure white


Suddenly, all at once, yet after an eternity, all became clear.

I knew where i was.

I knew what had happened to me.

I remembered.

There had been a man. He was naught but a filthy highwayman. He had came into my home where i lay in earnest after a long day's work, pulled his knife from his belt, and lunged at me. I struggled against him, flailing wildly, but weak due to my long day's strain. It was a flurry action. There was blood everywhere... my blood...

On the walls...

On the floor...

On my bed...

It was then that I realized I had died...

I'm dead...



I'm still just beginning to understand why i had to die... two-hundred years and i'm still just barely grasping the enormity of my situation.

All I do know is that being an Angel is definitely more exciting than i initially thought it would be.
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First Chapter just an intro narrative. Hope to add more soon. Let me know what you think! =)