Status: Entry for a contest. :D

These Are Sins, Not Tragedies


-Emily's POV-

I hadn't seen both Jake and Kenzie more than twice in the last three weeks. It could be due to the fact that I had been going out quite a bit with my current boyfriend, Matt, or it could be because Kenzie had convince Jake that they should give me space to get to know him better. But I knew better than that, and so should Jake. Kenzie had him under her spell.

Instead of seeking them out, I decided to stay home alone for once. I've been trying so hard to keep myself busy with dating these guys that I never allowed myself time alone to think. My mind began to wander to how life was before Mackenzie came along.

Jake was sitting beside the swing occupied by me. We had just spent the whole day walking throughout the town and talking to one another. Something we did quite often, even though we were still little kids.
While I was sitting on my swing, Jake got up from his. I looked at him slightly confused about what he was going to do, but then he just started pushing my swing for me.
"You don't need to push me Jake. I can do it myself." I pointed out. As much as I wanted him to push me, I was always bent on showing Jake that I was independent and didn't need any support from him. The thing about Jake, and perhaps that was why we have always been friends, was that he just knew that I did need help. I always needed help, more specifically his. It was like we were so in synch with one another, that it was impossible for us not to be best friends.
"I want to push you Emily." Jake retaliated, smiling big at my scrunched up face. The same face I always pulled on him when he did something I told him not to, but secretly wanted him to.
"Fine," I huffed. I could never say no to him.
"You know you'll always be my best friend Em." Jake said sincerely, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"I know Jake, and you'll always be mine." I replied back just as serious.
"I just wanted to make sure you knew nothing or no one can ever tear us apart." Jake explained, moving back to his swing. All the while I still swung back and forth quite high, but listening to his every word.
"Of course I know that. We're like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, nothing else goes better together." I laughed, making him join in with me.
"Exactly," Jake smirked, making me smile back.
*End Flashback*

That day was one of the best in my life so far. Jake and I were ever closer to one another since that day. He would always reassure both of us that we would always be best friends for life. Even though we were only 12 at the time, I completely fell in love with Jake that day. I was never surer of anything in my life, but I was still too afraid to tell Jake. The thought of him not feeling the same was always on my mind, and I just didn't want to ruin the amazing friendship we had, that would last for a lifetime. Our friendship was the one thing in my life I could always count on. The whole town knew how close we were, and apparently everyone knew since we were babies that we would always end up together. This was always a dream of mine, which was never voiced.

However, these days I just wasn't so sure about our friendship anymore. Kenzie was coming between us more and more each day. Pretty soon Jake's going to be all hers and nothing else will matter anymore. Kenzie won't want him to be my friend anymore if she has him, because she always gets what she wants. That's one thing I've always known, ever since the day I first met her. The day that I wish never happened.

Today was the day the new girl would arrive. My parents had told me her family had bought the company my father worked at, so obviously their family was wealthy and privileged. At that point I already knew I wasn't going to like her, for every other wealthy person I knew was snobby and acted like they were above everyone else. I figured she would be no different.

Arriving at school, I took in sight of the new girl. She stood with a certain air around her, like she knew she was better than everyone, as I already knew she would. It wasn't until I found out she was in almost all of my classes, that I was able to observe her more. Her name was Mackenzie Tucker. In class she acted shy and sat at the back of the class to avoid attention. She seemed like the type of girl that would scream for any attention, like she depended on being seen.

Lunch was a weird experience for me. At this school, no one ever treated new kids like they were Mackenzie. Everyone was treating her was if she was a leper, me included. There was just something off about her, as if she was trying hard to keep an act up. I just know she's hiding something about herself, she seems like she acts the complete opposite and isn't used to being ignored.

I sat at my usual table still trying to come to the conclusion that I was thinking too much about the new girl. She was just some rich girl that didn't mean anything to me. Then I saw Jake looking at the new girl like he was in deep thought, I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. He never looked at me like that, as if he was wondering what was going on in my mind. Although he almost always knew what was on my mind anyways, but he didn't know the one thing I constantly wished he did. He was planning something, I could tell from the look he got in his eye. It could only mean one thing.

"Em, what do you think of the new girl?" Jake asked. I knew it! He wanted to be friends with her, he felt sorry for her. Why can't he see that she was hiding something? Or was I just seeing things?
"I don't know. I didn't talk to her, or even hear her say more than 5 words each class." I muttered.
"You don't like her?" Jake could always tell whether or not I liked someone with what I said.
"Why should I like her? She just looks like she's used to being in the spotlight and is trying hard to cope with being nobody here." I simply explained, holding back a grimace.
"I think your judging a book by its cover Em. Why don't we just go talk to her? Maybe she's not as bad as you think." He suggested. Jake was trying so hard to give this girl he didn't even know a chance. I couldn't help but wonder why. It wasn't like him. We had other friends, but Jake never showed so much interest in anyone else.
"I don't think so Jake. There's something off about her, and I don't want to find out. Just please trust me on this." I pleaded, already knowing Jake had won. It was just a matter of me conceding.
"Come on Em, just give her a chance. Let's go talk to her. If she seems half as bad as you think, then that'll be the end of it. We won't talk to her again." Jake bargained. It made me so mad that he could always convince me to do something so easily.

"Hi, I'm Jake and this is Emily." Jake introduced both of us knowing I wasn't going to willing talk.
"H-hi, I'm Mackenzie Tucker." She stuttered. I wanted to roll my eyes and groan out loud but I forced myself not to for Jake's sake. She seemed like such a fake, and this was just the first time I was talking to her. I could just imagine how much worse I was going to think of her in time.
"We just wanted to welcome you to our school. Can we join you?" Jake asked, being polite as ever.
"S-sure," She stuttered once again. I hope she knows how unattractive that is, especially with her.

We ate our lunches mostly in silence with the occasional remark from Jake, asking Mackenzie how she liked it here or what her old school was like. She didn't really say much besides okay, fine and different.

With that Jake had already decided without me that she was going to be our unofficial friend. Even with me constantly warning Jake that there was something off about her, he just tried to reassure me that there wasn't. So I thought it would be better for both of us if I just went along with him and trusted him. Things couldn't get that bad, could they?
*End Flashback*

I detested the girl even back then. Now I absolutely despise her. She was taking Jake away from me, the one person that told me he would always be there for me. I just can't believe he would let her come between us after all this time.

It was 4 years ago my life changed and not for the better. Mackenzie had made a plan to ruin my life and take Jake from me. I had known it then and know it now that she is pure evil, like she does everything just to benefit herself. I just didn't think it would take this long for her to carry through with her plan. Her self-restraint is almost as strong as my own. However, I don't think she could go as long as I have not telling the Jake that I love him. She isn't that good, she's going to slip up soon and I just hope that when she does, Jake notices and realizes she's not who he thinks she is.

-Jake's POV-

I wish Emily would talk to me already. She's never gone this long without telling me what's wrong with her. It's killing me to see her pull away from everything and especially me. We've been so close all our lives. I don't think I could go on living without her. Em is my other half, whether she knows it or not, and I wouldn't have it any other way. We're perfect for one another. I just hope I can tell her all this soon, and that she feels the same way as well.

Mackenzie was always wanting to hang out and spend time with me lately, and I couldn't just say no either. She was one of my best friends, so I just simply stuck it out. Kenzie was acting weird all the time though, always flirting with me and whatnot. I thought she knew that with us being friends, it meant that I wasn't interested in her. Apparently not though, cause she wouldn't stop with trying to seduce me. I don't want to hurt her feelings but, I think I might just have to. Emily just might have been right all along about Mackenzie, but then again I could be just over thinking things as usual.

My need to see Em is growing, and being around Kenzie all the time isn't helping none either. I just want to get away from her and spend some quality time with Emily like we used to back in the old days. I miss the way we used to be, before I let Mackenzie into the picture. Things would still be the same, if only I had listened to Em.

-Mackenzie's POV-

So much time has passed and I'm finally within grasp of having him. Just a little longer now and he'll be all mine. My patience is starting to wear thin though. I just want to come straight out at be myself again. All this acting, like I'm some nice girl that doesn't mind being ignored, is killing me. I need to be relishing in the limelight like I used to. I'm really missing those days. Not that I regret all this time, because it wasn't completely a waste of time or even that horrible. I've grown quite fond of Jake, and as much as I hate to admit it, Emily too. They wanted to be my friends when no one else did. Well I'm not too sure about Emily, but she really did try her hardest to get along with me for Jake. That much I did know, but I didn't altogether understand. Why would she do so much just to please one guy? I know he's really good looking and a great guy, but why would any girl put herself through so much for someone. That's something I will never fully comprehend.

I think Jake is getting sick of me already, and I don't know why. I've never had a guy not like me before. What do girls do when they find out a guy doesn't like them? Guy usual chase after me, but now it's like I'm nothing more than a friend to Jake. I am royally confused because this has never ever happened before. I used all my tricks on him too. I guess they just aren't enough, and I'm going to have to step my game up some more. If I can't get him with just my charms, then I'll just have to use force and seduce him like I've never seduce a guy before.

I bet this has something to do with Emily; they both seem to like each other more than friends but are just too scared to admit it. I've noticed the way they stare at one another when the other isn't looking. It's the kind of look I wish a guy would give me. I don't care about their feelings though, I'm getting what I want. I've put up with 4 years of all this shit and I'm going to have Jake, whether he likes it or not.

-Emily’s POV-
As I was just beginning to fall asleep, I was jolted awake by the sudden sound of my phone ringing, signalling that I had just received a text message. I was wondering who would text me at 2 o’clock in the morning, until I realized only one person would do that. Jake.

It was chilly outside as I walked to the park Jake and I always went to as little kids. He had asked me in the text to meet him here. Not asking me, but more specifically telling me. It made me mad that he would do such a thing, but I was still coming willingly nevertheless. I knew if he wasn’t asking me, it was something important. I just hope I don’t crack under the pressure and finally tell him everything I feel. I’ve been keeping it in for so long, and thinking to myself tonight made me more conscious of all this.

I approached the park in shadows, I didn’t want Jake to see that I just came running when he told me to. I wanted to take my time, and see him sweat a little. You can imagine the surprise and confusion I was feeling when I saw that Jake had brought Mackenzie along with him. Maybe he wanted to tell me in person that they had finally gotten together, and Mackenzie could rub it in my face that she had won.

The next thing I saw completely overwhelmed me. Mackenzie kissed Jake. I instantly turned around, and began walking back home. Silent tears ran down my face the whole way back.

-Jake’s POV-

I needed to get to the bottom of what was the matter with both of my friends, especially Emily. I texted both of them telling them, not asking, to come to the park by the elementary school. I also didn’t tell either of them that the other was going to be here, I just hope they both come. They must both be confused with all this, but I need to clear some things up with both of them. It was all becoming too much to keep to myself, I needed to tell them both the whole truth.

Mackenzie arrived first and sounding quite pissed that I had woke her up at 2am on a school night. However, she was the cause of everything that had gone wrong in my friendship with Emily. I had to tell her this, and that I wasn’t interested in her. I was in love with Emily, and I was going to make that clear tonight.
“What the hell is this all about?” Kenzie grumbled, still half asleep.
“Kenzie, I need to tell you something very important,” I started, but was cut off by her kissing me. I pushed her off me as gently as I could. How could she kiss me right when I was about to tell her that I don’t like her?
“What’s the matter Jake? Don’t you like me?” Kenzie asked, looking quite furious now.
“That’s what I wanted to tell you. Mackenzie, I don’t like you and I never will. I’m in love with Emily. I always have been.” I explained. I was glad to finally get it off my chest. Even if I still haven’t told Em yet, she was the next person I would tell. I had hoped she would be the first to know.
“I thought so.” Kenzie replied quietly.
“Then why would you go through all that trouble of trying to seduce me?” I asked. This girl was messed up more than I realized, and Em was right. Em was always right.
“You were the one guy that was indifferent to my charms. It made me want you. I could tell you and Emily both had a thing for each other. When I found out that you two were just best friends, and hadn’t told each other your feelings, I wanted you even more. When I want something I put my mind on, I do whatever I can to get it. I always have.” Kenzie explained solemnly.
“I have to admit I’m rather mad at you for what you’ve done, but honestly I’m just glad you finally told me the truth about yourself.” I told her.
“I’m sorry Jake. I should go now. I’m sure you already told Em to come here. She’ll probably be here soon anyways. She hates me enough as is, and I don’t need her hating me anymore. I’ll apologize to her tomorrow.” Kenzie said. She has definitely changed for the better.
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I said, hugging her before she left.

I’ve been waiting at the park for a whole hour since Kenzie left, and Em still hasn’t shown up. I wonder what’s keeping her, or if she even got my message. Maybe I should just go home, and sleep. I’ll see her tomorrow. Then I can explain everything to her.

This morning I woke up with the optimism that I would finally tell Emily that she was the love of my life. Em didn’t come to school at all today. She won’t reply to anyone’s texts or answer calls. It’s starting to worry me. Her brothers said she left in the morning the same time she usually does. This is completely out of character for Emily. She always tells at least one person where she’s going, and it’s mainly me. What happened that made her act so unexpectedly?

Then it hit me. I knew exactly what was wrong. I don’t know why it took me so long to figure it out though. Em came to the park last night, she always comes when I ask, but I didn’t ask her last night I told her too. She knew I had something important to say, she knows how I am. She wouldn’t just not show up and then disappear the next day. Em must have seen when Mackenzie kissed me. How could I be so stupid not to have realized this?

I sent Em dozens of texts and left twice as many voicemails. She didn’t reply to anything, not that I expected her to. She was most likely pissed off and she had every right to be.

-Emily’s POV -

I know it shouldn’t matter to me that Mackenzie and Jake kissed, but I just can’t help it. I’ve known him my whole life and I care for him more than myself. Right now though, I just want them both to go die in a ditch. They’re supposed to be my best friends, not go and leave me behind once they hook up. Nothing was going to come between us, Jake promised me. Now that promise was broken. He let Mackenzie come and ruin everything.

I’ve been gone all day. At first I just walked all around town, just to clear my head. I couldn’t go to school, not yet. Facing Jake and Mackenzie was the last thing I wanted to do. It was inevitable but why not just prolong it a little longer if it was going to happen sooner or later anyways.

Jake had been calling and messaging me all day long. It got to the point where I was so annoyed, I just turned my phone off. I couldn’t think if everyone was going to be pestering me every second, which meant that I wasn’t going to come up with a temporary solution to my problem. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I couldn’t just run away from everything. I knew Jake would try to look for me, so I came to the one place I knew he would never look. The junkyard, it was one place Jake had always avoided. He didn’t like the fact that you could get lost so easily, yet I loved it for that very reason. Whenever I had wanted to think or just be alone, I’d come here. It was my safe haven from the shelter that was poured upon me from every other aspect of my life. This was a place were I could escape to, if only for a short while.

It was already starting to get dark out, so I figured it was time to go home. I knew this place like the back of my hand, but even with that knowledge it was too easy to take a wrong turn once it was dark. I have only come here during the day, and I don’t want to risk being stuck here all night long. Once you’re lost in this place, there’s no coming out anytime soon. I’ve been in that situation more than my fair share.

During my walk home, I came to the conclusion that I am just going to have to get over the fact that Mackenzie has pretty much betrayed me. I thought after all these years we would have at lease thought better of each other. I guess I was wrong, we both hate each other just as much as when we first met. I’m also going to have to get used to the actuality of Jake giving up on our frienship. Those were the simple given facts that I had to accept, no matter how hard of a pill it was to swallow.

I tried to sneak into my house through the back door, but I instantly regretted that decision. Jake was sitting on the back porch, waiting for me. He knew I would be back eventually and I always came through the back. I almost forgot how well Jake knew me. Now that I actually think about it, it was scary how well we knew each other. We could always predict the others next move, which was never good for either of us. Well most of the time, sometimes it was alright.

“Where were you Em? Everyone has been worried sick. I’ve been worried.” Jake said quietly, like it hurt him to say this.
“I needed some space to think. I couldn’t do that with everyone breathing down my neck at my every movement. I can’t deal with all this right now Jake. I have to go to sleep.” I said harshly. At this point I didn’t care how horrible of a friend I was being, I was too busy thinking about how awful Jake was at being a friend to me lately.
“Please, just talk to me Em. Tell me what’s wrong. I waited at the park for you last night for hours. I need to tell you something.” He pleaded. I don’t know what he could possibly have to say to me now, after everything that’s happened.
“I don’t care Jake. I’m done with always trying to please you. All I wanted was for you to know I cared about you, and you just spat in my face. I don’t think you’ve ever cared about me or even really wanted to be my friend.” I practically yelled. I didn’t mean a word of it, but I was just so mad at him.
“Is that really what you think Em?” Jake whispered.

“I don’t know Jake. All I know is I’m sick of always being the one you fall back on for nothing in return. I’ve been here for you all these years Jake, and you still treat me as if I’m someone you can use at your own dispense.” I said, almost on the verge of tears.
“Em, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to treat you like. That’s not what I wanted at all. You mean the world to me, and I’m sorry I made you feel as if you weren’t.” Jake said, slowly moving closer to.
“Well it’s too late for that now, isn’t it? I’ve felt like that for too much of my life, and now I don’t know if I can take anymore Jake. Just leave please.” I pleaded.
“I can’t leave without telling you something first,” Jake started.
“What is it Jake? What could you possible say to make me feel any better?” I glared at him. He was making me mad all over again.
“I love you Emily.” He whispered, just barely loud enough for me to hear. I almost wasn’t sure I had heard him correctly.
“What?” I asked incredicously, this could not be happening. Jake loved me, like I love him?
“I said I love you okay. I’ve always loved you Em. I just didn’t think you felt the same way, and now I guess I know. I’ll go now.” He repeated sadly, and started walking away.
“Wait, Jake! I love you too.” I yelled after him. He froze just as he reached the edge of my house.
“You love me too?” Jake asked confused.
“Of course I do. Why do you think I go so mad seeing you kiss Mackenzie last night?” I explained.
“About that Em, I was just telling her that I didn’t like her more than a friend. She kissed me before I could even get it out. I wanted you both there so I could clear that up, and so I could finally tell you I love you. Mackenzie said she knew we both liked each other and used that against us because we weren’t declaring our love for one another yet.” Jake made clear. My heart leapt for joy at hearing this, I couldn’t be happier. So I ran to Jake, and pulled him into the tightest hug ever.

We stood there for about 5 minutes just holding each other. Loving the way it felt to be so close, and knowing how the other feels. It was absolute bliss for me.
“You should probably go in now. It’s late and you’re family has been worried.” Jake said, pulling apart just enough to look me in the eyes.
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I smiled.
“Goodnight Em. I love you so much.” Jake whispered in my ear, and then kissed me. He kissed me with such a passion I thought I was going to faint, but I instead I kissed him back with just as much fervor.
“I love you too Jake.” I said, reluctantly pulling away from him.

We hugged one last time before I watched him walk away. It was all such an out of body experience because so much had just taken place within the last ten minutes. It was the best time of my life though. I finally knew now that my childhood best friend, Jake Sommers, felt the same way for me as I felt for him. I stood on my porch a few extra minutes just touching my lips, staring after the empty space in which I last saw Jake stand.

I had momentarily forgetten all about Mackenzie betraying me. Even with her being one of my best friends, she had gone behind my back to try and steal the one person I truly cared for in this world. I had tried dealing with it as maturely as I could. I was just glad this was all over now, and I could go back to focussing on being happy with Jake.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this all on MY interpretation of the song. Which I happen to think is: that when people you thought you could trust go about behind your back and betray you, but you just have to deal with it as maturely as possible. Although, my interpretation on it could be completely wrong, this is just what I think. Thanks.

P.S. I forgot to update this the same time as the first part. My bad, but at least it's up now. :D