Bite Marks

"I said leave!"

He shoved me roughly, pushing me through the doors of our house. I stumbled clumsily onto the snow-covered land outside. I had known him since I was a little girl. He was my best friend, my soul mate. And he had never ever pushed me once, not even when we were playing as children.

I stood, shivering, staring at him as he disappeared back into the house. I wondered briefly if I was having a nightmare.

He tossed a coat at me and it hit me hard, I knew I was awake. Then, a pair of gloves landed at my feet. I could not take my eyes off him. I knew that there was something wrong with him. His thin lips were a hard line as if he was forcing himself not to speak. His eyes landed on me for a moment and they were cold and dead. That hit me harder than the freezing cold did.

His eyes had always been so warm. He broke the gaze and looked somewhere far off into the distance. I thought I saw a brief flash of a sorry look on his face but he quickly turned back into the house and shut the door.

I could've spent hours banging on the front door but I didn't. I held onto the coat tightly and picked up the gloves. Then, I turned around and started walking. To where, I had no idea.
