‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

She's The Girl All The Bad Guys Want

October 2006

She stood in the centre of the dark painted living room glaring at the chocolate bar lying in her hands.
“This sucks,” she mumbled.
The girl sitting on the black leather couch sighed “What’re you going on about?” dragging her eyes from the widescreen TV in the corner of the large room.
“Jokes on Penguin bars are all the same these days; What happened to the frog who broke down?...He got toad away…,” she paused “See! How unfunny is that?”
The other girl rolled her eyes and returned to watching the TV, running a hand through her long red hair streaked black underneath, pushing her bangs off her face.
“Thanks for the support Lisa. Laurel, what d’you think?”
A girl with brown hair sat on the chair opposite the sofa, next to the big fireplace, looked up from what she was sketching “I think you’re crazy,” was all she said blinking her bright blue eyes a few times before returning to her sketch book.
Marie Winterz slipped the chocolate bar into the pocket of her H.I.M hoodie and placed her hands on her grey skinny jean covered hips. She was, what most people called, a ‘Scene Queen’, sometimes known for the showbiz column she wrote for British magazine 'Heat' but mostly for her fashion line and jewellery sold over the internet and promoted by celebrities such as Audrey Kitching, Jac Vanek and Alicia Simmons.
Lisa and Laurel were her photographers, best friends and sometimes modelled for her clothing line; TaywinterZ. They also submitted a few ideas. She couldn’t function without them.
She checked her watch “It’s only midday, what’re we doing for the rest of the day?” She asked. She was restless, it was her first fashion show in a few days time and she couldn’t wait. Her fame as a fashion designer hadn’t come easy and finally she was becoming known in every rock music fan’s home.
“Ssh Marie! My Chem are on!” Lisa said causing Laurel to quickly look up from her sketch filled paper on her lap.
Marie also turned her attention to the television, flicking her black streaked blonde hair out of her hazel eyes.
Standing on the colourful TRL set were 5 guys who were defiantly not as colourful as the scene around them. Fan girls screamed as they waved ‘hello’.
“Well it’s obvious that everyone in here knows you but for those who have been living in a hole these past few years could you introduce yourselves and your part in the band?” The presenter asked.
“Sure! Well I’m Gerard Way, lead singer of My Chem,” the guy with bleached, almost white, hair smiled and waved.
“I’m Mikey Way, bassist,” the guy stood next to him said pushing a strand of his short black hair out of his eyes.
“I’m Ray Toro, lead guitar,” The one with a light brown fro said.
“Bob Bryar, I play drums,” the second blonde one said, his hair flopping into his blue eyes.
“I’m Frank Iero, rhythm guitar,” The final one said waving and grinning widely. His short dark hair framing a pale face and big hazel eyes.
“So your new album, The Black Parade, is due to hit the shops soon…any weird stories behind the songs?”
The five guys glanced at each other wondering who was gunna answer that one.
“Well there are a few songs our fans will find the meaning for if they listen to the record in depth,” obviously the spokesperson for the band, Gerard Way explained.
“None that stick out for you?” The presenter pushed.
Marie went back to her chocolate bar.
“Well there is one,” Gerard Way said hesitantly. “It’s called ‘This is How I Disappear’.”
Man this presenter is pushy! Marie thought to herself ripping the wrapper off the chocolate bar.
Gerard sighed “Well it was Frank who inspired this song. It’s about an ex-girlfriend of his, Taylor Adams I think her name was, leaving. It really hit him hard and, at one point, it actually did feel like he’d disappeared.”
Marie’s head shot up and she dropped her chocolate bar.
She stared at the screen for a few seconds. The band member in question, Frank Iero, had his head down and wasn’t really listening any more.
She was in shock.
Not because she was a fan of theirs eagerly awaiting their new album.
Or because she was surprised at Gerard Way’s extreme change of hairstyle.
But because she was Taylor Adams.