‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

I’m Incomplete

So Marie explained. Everything.
“What you’re saying is- Frank Iero is your ex-boyfriend?”
Marie sighed “To cut a long story short-Yes.”
Eve grabbed her coat and headed for the door.
“What’re you doing?!” Marie exclaimed.
“I’m going to find him.”

Gerard had watched the blonde girl run away with his mouth wide open.
Why hadn’t he noticed before?
“What d’we do now?” Ella whispered.
“Follow her,” Frank answered firmly.
“Isn’t that a bit stalker-ish?” Gerard asked meekly.
Frank glared at him. “I need to get her to believe me. I need to let her know I’m incomplete without her in my life.”
Gerard shrugged, he knew this meant a lot to Frank and he’d do anything for his best friend…even if it was stalk a famous fashion designer around London. “I think she went that way.”

The three of them spent over 15 minutes searching for Taylor’s house, stopping most people to ask if they know her.
“Wow. Tay’s done well for herself,” Ella smiled when they were, finally, stood outside of a huge house; home of ‘Marie Winterz’.
Just as Frank raised his hand to knock on the door it flew open.
“Hey Eve,” he smiled, the 14 year old girl’s jaw dropped.
“I-I…I was just coming to look for you! What are you, magic or something?” she joked.
Frank narrowed his eyes “Let me guess…your favourite movie is Nightmare Before Christmas…”
“How do you know!?”
“I introduced you to that film when you were eight,” he grinned, then went serious “Could we-” he gestured to Gee and Ella who were standing just out of sight “talk to Tay-I mean Marie please?”
“Sure, come in.”

Marie jumped to her feet when Frank, Gerard and Ella entered her living room.
“I’m gunna go upstairs to my room,” Eve said.
“Will you ring Lisa, Laurel and Dan to see what time they’ll be back for me please?” Marie asked, Eve nodded. Lisa and Laurel were doing a Trashy Life photo shoot with Audrey and Zui Suicide and Dan was visiting a friend.
The room went quiet for a few seconds, Eve running up the stairs being the only noise.
Marie broke the silence “I’m so sorry I ran off like that,” she said, only managing a whisper “Y’know me, act before I think.”
“I missed you girl,” Ella smiled. Marie grinned and pulled her into a hug.
“I missed you too.”