‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

ItWas aLieWhenTheySmiled&Said YouWon’t Feel aThing

“What?! I-I can’t!” Marie exclaimed.
“Why not? I’m sure the other guys won’t mind!” Frank protested…she couldn’t say no…
“I have my own life now Frank! I run a successful clothing line! It’s not like the past when I could’ve, and would’ve, dropped anything to be with you!”
Frank stared at her for a few seconds, speechless. It was like a stab to the heart.
“So, what you’re saying it-” he started but she cut off his sentence.
“What I’m saying is you can’t just ignore me for 6 years then expect me to drop everything when you want me to!”
“Fine Marie. If you don’t want me to apologise and try and make up for those 6 years I won’t!” he spat, handing Marie Jack’s lead and stalking off in the opposite direction.
She stared at his retreating back with her mouth wide open and her heart racing.
She’d blown it.

He rounded, what felt like, the 100th corner and a small, kiddies park came into view.
What was it with parks?
He sat on one of the swings staring at the colourful flower bed directly in front of him and listening to the chatter of people walking past.
“Oh my god! You’re Frank Iero!”
He inwardly rolled his eyes. As much as he loved the My Chem fans he didn’t need this right now.
“That’s me,” he grinned, looking up at the dark haired girl stood in front of him.
“Could I get your autograph?” she blushed.
She let go of the 3 year old girl stood next to her’s hand and rooted in her small, black bag.
After a few seconds she handed him a piece of paper and a back biro.
“Thank you so much!” she beamed “I’m coming to your gig in a week’s time and can’t wait!”
“Awesome!” He said, keeping that famous grin of his as he signed his name “Can’t wait to see you there!” he added passing her the paper and pen.
She thanked him then followed the little kid she had with her over to the slide.

Marie had reached the park gate in time to see a 14 year old, skinny, dark haired girl make her way over to Frank nervously.
What was it with him and parks anyway?
She watched as his face broke into a grin when the fan spoke to him.
She’d missed that grin.
Not wanting to interrupt she waited until the girl’s time with Frank was over; Marie tied Jack and Sally to the railings and made her way over to the swing set.
“This swing taken?” she asked, trying to sound as bright as possible.
Frank looked up for half a second and shrugged.
She sat down. “I’m really sorry Frank. If it wasn’t for TaywinterZ, Lisa, Laurel, Dan, Eve, Jack and Sally you know I’d come.”
“Would you though?” he asked, keeping his gaze on the floor.
She frowned “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You keep saying ‘you know me’ but we don’t anymore. You’re no longer our Taylor but someone else’s Marie. You’ve changed so much…”
“What do you expect! I can’t stay the same 18 year old all my life! I had to mature sometime!”
“I don’t even know why I asked you to come on the tour, I knew you’d say no,” he carried on like she hadn’t said anything.
“I told you! If I didn’t have any other commitments here I’d jump at the chance of touring with you guys!”
Frank looked up for the first time “What if I said 1. you could just join us for the UK tour and use the bus’ internet access to stay close to TaywinterZ 2. It’ll be cool to have 2 dogs on the tour bus 3. Dan and Eve are welcome to come and 4. We are in desperate need of 2 photographers.”
Marie stared at his determined face, trying to think of an argument…
She got nothing.
Well; if you can’t beat ‘em, you may as well join ‘em.
“Fine,” she sighed.
He quickly turned round to face her fully “What?”
“If Lisa and Laurel agree I’ll come on your stupid tour…”

**what Frank said to the fan was exactly what he said to me when I told him we were going to the Manchester gig
***This is for Lisa [[who has broken her hand]] and my awesome new reader [[Jess...I think?]]