‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Never Been Apart?

“Can we go back to the bus now?” Mikey complained. Him, Haley, Gerard and Ella had been the only ones who’d allowed themselves to be roped into Frank and Taylor’s stupid competition.
“No Mikey, just let them have their fun,” Ella sighed. After all they had only been walking for 10 minutes.
“Hey look! That’s Marie Winterz!”
Two girls made their way over to where Taylor was stood.
“Could we get your autograph?”
Flicking the v’s to Frank, who was stood behind her, without the girls noticing she replied “Of course you can!”
“HEY! I’m Fra-”
“Fuck. Off. Frank!” Taylor whispered as he jumped on her back. She ended up leaning back so he fell on his ass.
“Hey is that Frank Iero?” one of the girls asked.
Taylor frowned “Who? Him? Nahhh.”
“You sure?” The other questioned.

“She cheated,” Frank pouted when they arrived back on the bus and Jamia had asked how it had gone.
“So I’m guessing Taylor won?” Jamia smiled.
“Pfft! They both got bored after signing one autograph each and went for coffee!” Haley exclaimed.
“BUT! If she hadn’t cheated I’d’ve won!”
“I did not cheat!” Taylor exclaimed as she walked out of the bathroom. She ran the full length of the bus and dived on Frank’s lap. “You’re just jealous!” She grinned putting both her arms around his neck.
“HA! Of what exactly?”
“That people lovvvvve me!”
“I have nothing to be jealous of! Just you wait until tonight when all them fans are screaming for us!” At that he leant forward and licked her on the cheek.
“EW!” she shouted, letting go of him and falling back onto the floor.
“Jeez, you could cut the tension between them two with a knife,” Gerard joked going into the bus’ mini fridge to get a diet soda type drink.
“GEE!” Taylor squeaked running over and tackling him.
“Hyper today aren’t we?” he laughed as they were both lay on the floor.
She shrugged “Ella fed me skittles.”
Gerard grinned and ruffled up her hair “It feels like we’ve never been apart.”

A note from the author:
Sorry it sux and is short guuuys =/
Im just trying to get it like it used to be between Taylor and the guys
before stuff happens
ANYWAY I still need a gf for this guy: Brian1 Brian2Dont make me think up a new character! Im too LAZY!