‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

New and old friends don’t get along

“Frank, have you decided what you’re doing next with Leathermouth?” Jamia asked the next morning. She had tons of stuff to sort out for Skeleton Crew and Frank wasn’t even helping. He was too busy either talking to or staring at Taylor.
Not that Jamia was jealous or anything…but he was her friend as well as this Taylor chick’s. Anyway, wasn’t she the one who’s broke his heart?
“Huh? Sorry Jay, what was that?”
Jamia sighed “Never mind. I’ll ask you when you aren’t thinking of anything else.”
Frank frowned, wondering what the hell she meant.
“Frank?” came Taylor’s voice. Frank’s head lifted straight away.
“Will you come and help me with this?” she asked. She was seated on the opposite end of the bus attempting to connect to the wireless internet so she could update the TaywinterZ website. “It doesn’t seem to want to work for me!”
Frank smiled “Sure I can…I understand your lack of ability with anything that isn’t as easy as a calculator.”
“Fuck you,” Taylor giggled as Frank stood up and made his way over to where she was sat.
Jamia rolled her eyes.

“How come you haven’t played ‘This is How I Disappear’ yet?” Taylor asked as her and Frank stood at stage side watching the support act, A Cry For Silence, scream through their set.
Frank nervously tugged on the sleeves of his jacket and shrugged.
“That doesn’t count as an answer.”
“I don’t know why we haven’t,” he said softly “I suppose, now you’re back in our lives we feel we don’t have to.”
“I want you to play it tonight,” she smiled.
“Huh? Why?”
“It’s not every day a famous rock band write a song for you!” she grinned. Frank blushed and looked away. “But seriously, when I heard you’d wrote a song like that about me I thought it was the sweetest thing ever,” she added causing Frank to blush once again.
She leant forward and kissed him on the cheek “So thank you.”