‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Shotgun Sinners, Wild Eyed Jokers

Taylor stared at the computer screen as ‘Buzznet’ loaded up.
Her, Eve and Frank had been camera-whoring the night before and she wanted to see if the pictures had any comments yet.
Yes. You read right. Frank Iero camera-whoring. He’d claim Taylor and Eve forced him into it…but he enjoyed it really.

‘Is that Frank Iero? Wow, you’re well lucky to have met My Chem xoxo’

‘Are you two dating? You’re the cutest couple!’

‘Aw look at Eve…you can tell good looks run in your family! She’s too cute!’

‘Upload some more Dan pics dammit!’

‘Wow…you met FRANK IERO?! *Jealous*’

‘Beautiful as always Marie =D’

“What’cha doin’?”
Taylor glanced up to see Haley and Ella grinning at her.
“Checkin’ my Buzznet,” she replied motioning to the laptop.
“You have a Buzznet?” Haley asked scrunching up her nose jokingly.
“I also have a myspace…and a livejournal…”
“Wow you really are a Scene Queen aren’t you!” Ella laughed as her and Haley sat on either side of Taylor.
“It promotes my company,” Tay shrugged.
“Yeh right! You enjoy it really!” Ella smirked.
“We heard about your and Pete Wentz’s ‘friendship’,” Haley added.
“Yes…friendship. Nothing more,” Taylor smiled “He’s a great guy and my best friend.”
“We heard you’ve been one step away from dating since you met,” Ella said, eyebrows raised.
Taylor groaned and rolled her eyes “You’ve either been talking to Eve, Lisa or Laurel…”
“They’re all really cool…” Ella stated.
“…and great to gossip with,” Haley finished.
“I thought you two don’t gossip!” Taylor protested.
“We don’t!”
“Oooh, what’re we talking about?” Frank said in a preppy girl tone of voice as he wandered into the bus. Obviously the guys were done with their practise.
“Tay’s ‘non-existent’ relationship with Pete Wentz,” Haley explained using air quotes on the words ‘non’ and ‘existent’.
Frank tried to hide his face falling “Oh. Cool.”
“What’s up with you, grumpy ass!” Tay asked leaning over and poking his nose.
“Who? Me?”
“Yes Frank. You. That’s why I poked your nose instead of Ella or Haley’s.”
“Oh…I’m fine…”