‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Hazel Green Tint Eyes Watching Every Move I Make

“TAYLOR!” Frank exclaimed diving into Tay’s bunk.

“What,” Tay yawned.


“What time is it?”


“7?! In the morning?!

Frank knelt on the spare space in the bunk so he could face her. “Yup. That’s why I said AM compared to PM, y’know the one at night?”

She groaned in frustration and pulled her duvet over her head.

“C’MON TAY!” Frank said “BE AWAKE!”

“I’m tired Frank…and the bus is moving, you know I get travel sick sometimes,” Taylor mumbled, just wanting to drift off into her dreamless sleep.

Frank rolled his eyes and pulled the duvet out of her grasp. She was the only one who was most likely to put up with his hyper mood.

She was lying curled up on the bunk, her beautiful hazel eyes still closed and her blonde hair sweeping over her pale, flawless face…

“Stop staring asshole.”

Frank’s jaw dropped “I’m not!” How did she know?

She turned onto her back and finally opened those sparkling eyes.

“I just know these things Iero,” she smirked.

I really need to stop looking at her like that… Frank thought to himself.

Just at that exact moment the bus hit a ridge in the road and Frank was flung forward…right on top of Taylor’s sleepy form.

They both just stared at each other, nose to nose, for a few seconds. Both their hearts racing and both feeling weirdly at home about the fact that they could feel each others breath on their lips.

As the bus hit yet another ridge in the road (speed bumps maybe?) both Frank and Taylor came to their senses.

“I’m gunna go get some food,” Frank announced.

“Yea, get off me fatass!” Taylor forced a joke, trying to calm her racing heart.

He sent her one last smile before ducking out of the bunk.

Well that was awkward…