‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Hum Hallelujah

October 31st- Frank Iero’s birthday.
Taylor stood stage side at 10am, watching the guys start their first of 3 shows that day.
1st one was 10-1pm in the Manchester Apollo.
Then an hour break.
2nd one was 2-5pm at the Liverpool University, Moutford Hall.
Then a 2 hour break.
And the 3rd and final show was to be played 7-10pm back in Manchester; this time the MEN arena.
Oh and it they were all fancy dress…well it was Halloween.
What a way to spend your birthday eh? Having fans who worship you chant ‘Happy Birthday’ in 3 different venues in one day.
Not a bad life is it.
But as they launched into ‘This is How I Disappear’ (after playing The End and Dead!) Frank glanced over to Taylor…
And even with over 1000 kids chanting ‘Happy Birthday dear Frank-ieee’ he knew a better way he could be spending his 25th.

“You’re old now Frank,” Taylor joked on the bus journey from the Liverpool Uni back to Manchester (she didn’t understand why they did it that way either…).
“Am not!” he said trying to sound hurt. “You’re only a year younger than me anyway!”
“Actually I’m still 23. Its not my birthday till November 13th,” she answered in a ‘smart-ass’ tone.
After hearing his beloved ‘PANSY’ had been broken she had bought him a brand new, shiny white Gibson Les Paul that mirrored ‘PANSY’ and a set of red stickers (the alphabet 3 times over) to go with it.
So how could he possibly be arguing with her now…even if it was jokingly.
“Thanks for my present,” he smiled sweetly, pulling her into a hug.
She buried her face in his neck and they just sat like that for 5 minutes…
…well until Lisa, Laurel (who were on that bus until they got to Manchester), Ella and Gerard appeared in the room from god knows where.
“CoughgetaroomCough,” Gerard…well…coughed. Ella laughed and hit him lightly on the arm as Taylor and Frank sprang apart.
“Aww they had a room until we showed up!” Laurel giggled.
“Yea, imagine if we waited 10 more minutes? We could’ve walked in on something a little different to hugging…” Lisa added, causing her, Laurel, Ella and Gerard to burst into a fit of laughter and Tay and Frank to blush a very deep red colour.

“I’m tired!” Bob complained at 11pm that night. “Who’s dumbass idea was it to play 3 shows in one day?...Oh wait! Frankie’s!” Frank smiled at him nervously, even though he knew his band mate was joking. “Remind me to kill you when it isn’t your birthday.”
“Now, now. There shall be no killing!” Aimee exclaimed jumping out if her, Ray, Eve and Dan’s conversation for a second.
“Yea, stop complaining!” Charlotte laughed, leaning her head on Bob’s shoulder.
“I need coffee,” Mikey yawned.
“Mikes, you always need coffee!” Haley exclaimed.
“But I really need some now,” he answered looking at Taylor.
“And you’re staring at me why?” Taylor asked putting on a confused look.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten how awesome your coffee is Tay!” Mikey grinned, Taylor raised her eyebrows “Please Tay!”
She sighed “How can I say no to those puppy dog eyes?”
“YAY! I love you Tay!”
“You better.”

2 hours later Tay and Frank were the only two still awake.
“What shall we watch?” Frank asked in a whisper as he shut the door separating the bunks from the living room and handing Tay a can of Dr Pepper.
“Er…Jackass? Corpse Bride? Nightmare Before Christmas?”
“I can tell which one you’re rooting for,” Frank smirked holding up the NBC DVD.
Taylor grinned “You know me too well!” As Frank took his seat next to her. “I’m cold,” she pouted, shivering.
“C’mere then,” Frank said rolling his eyes jokingly. She moved along the seat and cuddled into his side, he put his arm around her.
They sat there for a few minutes watching the people of Halloweentown sing the starting song.
Tay snuggled up closer, trying to get out of the draft, and Frank’s grip around her shoulders tightened.
She moved her head to face him just as he did the same…
Their lips connected. The cold steel of Frank’s lipring sending shivers down Tay’s spine, hers doing the same to him.
His hand crept up and cupped the back of her neck to deepen the kiss.
There had been no ‘she crashed her lips against his’ or ‘he pressed his lips against hers’…even after 6 years apart it just felt so natural to them…