‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Day 3- Day off.

[[Best Friends, Ex Friends To The End]]

Taylor lay in her bunk, re-watching a few of the videos and looking at the pictures she had taken with the guys.
She couldn’t believe the UK tour was almost over and she’d be going home soon.
At least she could get on with her work at TaywinterZ and ‘Heat’. Also being able to spend time with Audrey, Pete and Alicia Simmons- her real friends.
Her hears skipped a beat when she suddenly remembered Lisa and Laurel would be staying on the tour and not coming home with her…
What would she do without them? With those two not there she could easily slip back into the depressed state she’d been in 5 years ago. After all, her insomnia was coming back why couldn’t the depression?

“Are you avoiding me?”
Tay glanced over her shoulder to see Frank staring at her. She immediately felt really uncomfortable.
Frank sighed “It’s obvious you are Taylor.”
“Just leave me alone Frank,” Tay snapped, feeling tetchy after a night of only 2 hours sleep.
He frowned “No Tay I won’t. I’m worried about you, you haven’t been being yourself,” he said, it was true, due to the lack of sleep she found herself feeling and acting differently. Her hyper times lasted half an hour tops, the rest of the day being spent either in her bunk, on her laptop or snapping at other people as she drank as much coffee as possible.
“What d’you care? You’ve been ignoring me just as much and cause of what? One stupid kiss on your birthday and we start acting like stupid teenagers?” she ranted, her feelings from the past few days all surfacing “Well maybe our teenage years were the best for us. We’re grown up now and don’t need each other as much as we once thought.”
Frank’s face fell on hearing her say something like that.
He turned away from her and retreated back to his bunk.
Watching him go Tay’s eyes filled with tears.
What had she done?

**Remeber when I said about stuff happening?
Prepare yourselves for stuff