‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Day 4//5 Birmingham//Leeds.

Taylor sat in the corner of the dressing room in the Birmingham NEC…typing away on the sidekick she couldn’t live without.
She sighed and looked around the room; Eve and Dan were talking to Ray and Bob having the time of their lives, Aimee, Charlotte and Laurel were on the laptop opposite to where Taylor was sat looking over a few of the photos Laurel had taken of the guys along with Brian and Sarah, Ella and Gerard were making out (no surprises there, they hadn’t changed a bit) and Mikey and Haley were helping Frank and Jamia with ‘Top Secret’ Skeleton Crew plans.
Taylor sighed loudly, was she the only one who felt like total and utter crap?
“Are you okay?”
She glanced up to see the always caring Lisa smiling at her.
Not being able to lie to her best friend she answered “Not really no.”

Flicking her hair over her shoulder Taylor ignored whoever was calling her name, tears streaming uncontrollably down her pale face.
“Tay! Stop!”
She sighed, figuring that she may as well give this person a chance. She stopped.
“Tay?” As the voice grew nearer she realised it was Frank and quickly wiped her eyes. She didn’t want him to know it was him she was crying over.
Leaning against the wall of the corridor they were in, she waited for him to catch her up.
When he did she saw his beautiful hazel eyes fill with sorrow at the sight of her tear stained face.
“What’s wrong?” he answered, only managing a whisper as he brushed away her tears with his thumb.
An electric shock ran through her body at his touch and her heart raced.
She found herself leaning into his chest, sobbing as she managed to say “Everything.” And he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
He pulled away from their embrace barely 2 minutes later. Pushing her chin up with the index finger of his right hand he pressed his soft lips against hers.
As his tongue entered her mouth she looped her arms around his neck, desperately pulling him closer to her. His hips now against hers, pinning her to the wall.
Frank and Taylor quickly pulled apart. A shocked look set on his paling face. He glanced down to his stomach where blood was seeping out onto his shirt.
He gasped for breath but nothing happened. Sending her one last loving look he collapsed to the floor.
She threw herself to her knees “Frank!” she exclaimed, cradling his head in her arms. “Don’t leave me…I love you…”

Gasping for air Taylor bolted upright in her bunk, sweat clinging to her body.
It was just a dream…