‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Arrival in London

A Teenage Vow in a Parking Lot

Had to be in New York 2day for a shoot. I’ve left your keys under the mat. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to welcome you home =[. Audz xoxo

Taylor sighed and replaced her sidekick back in her pocket.
Lisa and Laurel staying on tour, Eve and Dan flying back to NJ the next morning as their school term was due to start in a weeks time and now Audrey having to leave for New York for another photo shoot. She’d be home alone for months.
And it scared her.

They pulled into a parking lot around the corner from Tay’s house and all 17 of them filed off the once packed bus.
Lisa and Laurel were 1st to hug Taylor, telling her they were going to miss her and that she needs to take care of herself and, strangely enough, ordering her to ‘take them if she needed them’ and making her promise she would do as they asked.
Then it was Ella, Haley, Gerard and Mikey. Each hugging her in turn and telling her the bus wouldn’t be the same without her presence.
Ray, Bob, Charlotte and Aimee each said goodbye in their own way, whether it be weird handshakes that they’d figured out with her on the road or super long hugs.
Brian and Sarah also hugged her letting her know how great it was to have met her and spent time with her.
Jamia, well her and Tay managed a ‘head nod’, both not really sure of what to do. They hadn’t got along since they 1st laid eyes on each other so why start now?
Taylor didn’t know what to do when it came to Frank; she switched her eyes from anything but him…until he plucked up the courage to pull her into a warm, loving, Frank-scented hug.
“I’ll miss you,” he whispered, they weren’t the three words he was longing to say…but they’d do for now.
When they parted he dug his hands in the front pockets of his black skinny fit jeans and she linked her fingers in front of her.
“I’ll keep in touch,” he managed to say, whishing she wasn’t leaving when they were on bad terms.
She looked up and their eyes locked for the first time in days, hers lined with tears. “Yea Frank, when have I heard that before?” she replied softly and truthfully.
She watched as they each filed back onto the bus with Dan and Eve standing silently either side of her.
She watched as the bus’ engine started and they waved to the three out of any window possible.
And she watched as the bus drove out of the parking lot and down the street.
She was officially out of their lives…again.