‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Depression and Insomnia don’t mix

Taylor lay curled up on her bed, just staring at the bottle of anti-depressants on her bedside table, occasionally glancing at the clock to keep an eye on when she next had to take one of those pills again.
Her hair fell from behind her ear to cover her tear stained face but she didn’t bother to move it.
The only times she did bother to move was to grab a breakfast bar in the morning, use the bathroom, refill her glass of water or feed Jack and Sally.
Other than that she stayed in bed, ignoring phone calls//text messages//knocks on the door//everything.
She didn’t even know what was happening to her, that was the scary part. These past few days felt like an out of body experience, she felt like she was watching herself waste her life away in the comfort of her bed…and she didn’t know what had brought it on. Possibly her insomnia coming back…or the stress of going on tour…or her argument with Frank.
They were all possibilities.

“You want to what?”
“Not want to Brian…have to. Tay could be in trouble!”
“She could be visiting family…or working…”
“She could be locked up in her room, slowly killing herself by not eating!” Frank shouted at his tour manager, not being able to believe that Brian wasn’t going to allow him to spend his 3 days off checking on Taylor.
Brian sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “Check with family members first Frank okay?”

**Sorry its well short

BTW I reccommend you listen to Take That...**