‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Sharpest Lives Are the Deadliest To Lead

“So are you excited for the show tomorrow?” Audrey Kitching asked Marie handing her a blue WKD.
“Yea, its gunna be awesome!” Marie answered grinning as widely as possible “Thanks for coming over to London to take part in it by the way,” she added, lowering the 40 watt grin into a simple smile.
The girl with the shocking pink hair sat before her shrugged “What’re friends for?”
Marie had first met Audrey 4 years ago when she was still at Enfield and Audrey had come in to do a spot of modelling for the photography class. They were inseparable for about a year after that.
Recently the two only saw each other on the odd occasion, making sure they made a night of it in various clubs when they were together,
Like tonight for example.
A few minutes later Lisa and Laurel filled the remaining seats at their table.
“Find the bathroom okay?” Marie smirked.
“Fuck you,” Laurel laughed sipping her own WKD.
“C’mon you lot!” Lisa exclaimed jumping to her feet once again “Are we gunna sit here all night or are we gunna dance?!”

“Why’re we here?” Frank groaned as they managed to skip the long queue and head straight into the club because of their ‘celebrity status’.
“Because us girls wanted to come out!” A short, skinny girl smiled. Ella Bryar was the envy of thousands of fan girls being the sister of Bob Bryar and the fiancée of Gerard Way…she just didn’t realise it.
“Plus we heard Marie Winterz was gunna be here,” the girl to Frank’s right said pushing a strand of her short black hair out of her brown eyes. Jamia Nestor was his best friend and had been throughout high school, they had dated once but it hadn’t worked out, deciding they were much better as friends.
“Marie who?” Ray Toro asked scrunching up his nose as he tried to think if he recognised the name.
“Yea, are we meant to know what you’re on about?” Bob questioned, his wife of 2months, Charlotte, hit him on the shoulder.
“Oh y’know she’s only our favourite fashion designer!” Charlotte exclaimed.
“I swear they don’t listen to us,” Aimee, Ray’s fiancée, smirked trying her black hair into a ponytail out of her face.
The guys exchanged confused glances as they say at a table.
“Er…yea, whatever. I’ll go get the drinks in,” Ray said standing up once again and making his way to the bar area.
“Ray! Don’t forget mine’s a diet soda!” Gerard called after him. Noticing he was being ignored he also stood. Ella rolled her eyes as she followed Ray shouting “Ray! Hey Ray, don’t ignore me!

“Marie, I swear it’s your round,” Laurel smirked as they retreated back to their table.
“Wow, what a hint!” Marie joked not bothering to sit down. “Everyone want the same?”
After getting nods from each of her friends she grabbed her black purse decorated with a pink skull and made her way to the bar.

Gerard stood next to Ray shifting from foot to foot impatiently.
“Gee, will you stop it!” Ray exclaimed “It’s really annoying.”
Gerard shrugged and carried on.
He stopped when the girl entered his line of vision.
She was shorter than him with a clear, pale complexion and long blonde hair streaked black underneath falling into hazel eyes.
An Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt clung to her every curve and rode up slightly as she got on checkered vans clad tiptoes to shout her order to the barman.
Gerard frowned as Ray handed him a few drinks to carry…he could’ve sworn he’d seen her somewhere before…