‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Reunions for the Better

“Could Eve Adams please report to the office immediately.”
Eve rolled her eyes, what could they possibly want now?
Picking up her black Punky Fish school bag she made her way out of the math class and into the deserted hallway.
“What?” She asked rather rudely when she made it to the main office. She was still pretty pissed about having to leave the My Chem tour and Taylor.
“Your uncle’s on the phone for you says it’s urgent.”
Eve frowned. Her uncle? The only uncle she had (Haley’s father) hadn’t been on touch for years.
“Hello?” She said after taking the phone off the annoying receptionist.
“Eve?” her eyes widened as a familiar male NJ accent filled her ear.
Frank?” She whisper exclaimed “What the-”
“Eve, listen, have you heard from Tay since you left?” Frank questioned, the worry consuming his voice confusing Eve.
“Actually, no. Which is kinda strange cause we usually get a phone call every other day…”
She heard Frank’s breathing become more shallow with worry once she’d said this.
“Frank? What’s wrong?”
“Don’t worry Eve. I’ll call you back as soon as I know.”
The dial tone replaced Frank’s voice and Eve slammed the phone down.
She turned around and ran out of the office (ignoring the secretary’s shouts), down the corridor and out of school.
She had to get home.

A sigh escaped Taylor’s lips as she entered the living room for the 2nd time since she’d arrived back home.
She curled up on the black leather couch and just stared at the blank television.
Sighing yet again she wished she didn’t have this strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. Yes, it was possibly hunger, after almost 3 weeks of living on one breakfast bar a day she had gotten a lot skinnier. Her belt reached two holes tighter, just to give an example of her weight loss…
But no, it was something totally different. She felt like something was missing, a part of her had disappeared or faded away.
That feeling had started since her and Frank had started arguing and avoiding each other.
She leant over to grab the remote and flick the TV on, sick of the silence.
Rolling her eyes as she moved from page to page of the TV guide, she noticed there was nothing on at all.
Deciding to look at what Lisa and/or Laurel had recorded on Sky+.
My Chemical Romance – TRL
She pressed play.
Standing on the colourful TRL set were 5 guys who were defiantly not as colourful as the scene around them. Fan girls screamed as they waved ‘hello’.
“Well it’s obvious that everyone in here knows you but for those who have been living in a hole these past few years could you introduce yourselves and your part in the band?” The presenter asked.
“Sure! Well I’m Gerard Way, lead singer of My Chem,” the guy with bleached, almost white, hair smiled and waved.
“I’m Mikey Way, bassist,” the guy stood next to him said pushing a strand of his short black hair out of his eyes.
“I’m Ray Toro, lead guitar,” The one with a light brown fro said.
“Bob Bryar, I play drums,” the second blonde one said, his hair flopping into his blue eyes.
“I’m Frank Iero, rhythm guitar,” The final one said waving and grinning widely. His short dark hair framing a pale face and big hazel eyes.

Gulping back tears Taylor pressed stop and put Kerrang on…only to find Maximum My Chemical Romance was on…
She missed them so much right now.

Frank sighed shakily as he stared at the light brown door in front of him.
He slowly reached up and knocked as loudly as possible.

She heard the knocking but ignored it.
It probably wasn’t anyone important anyway…
Tay?! Come on Tay! Open the door…please?
Her eyes widened, heart raced and she sat up so quickly she fell of the couch.
It was Frank.

He bit his bottom lip as he knocked for the 4th time.
He jumped back when he noticed the door slowly opening.
When she came into view he had to hold back a gasp. Her hair was hung flat where she’d obviously washed it but not cared for it, her pale face was a scarily ghostly white and, the worst thing, she was way more skinnier than she should be.
“Frank?” She whispered, tears filling her eyes.
He stepped forward and pulled her into a hug.