‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

One Night and One More Time

“Aren’t you eating?” Frank questioned as he tucked into his toaster-made-toast.
He’d missed it cooked like this, nowadays they had to use the grill once toasters had been banned from wherever Mikey was…after his incident with a fork a few years back.
She shrugged “I’m not hungry,” she said taking a seat opposite him at the kitchen table.
He frowned and looked up to see her sat hunched over at the table, twirling a bit of her hair around her fingers, her eyes fixated on what she was doing.
It was obvious she was hungry…well if not, she needed to eat. She was skin and bone.
He pushed his plate supporting the last of his two pieces of toast towards her.
She shook her head.
“Tay, please? I have to leave tomorrow morning, go on, do it for me…” he said guilt tripping her.
She sighed “Fine,” Picked up the piece of toast and took a bite. “Happy?”
He nodded, grinning.

“Yes Taylor?” he replied taking his eyes off the TV to face her a lot of hours later.
“Would you come to a club with me?”
“PLEASE Frank! I haven’t been out for ages and I really wanna go!”
He shrugged, anything to make her happy again. “Ok then.”

She emerged from upstairs an hour later.
“What do you think?” she asked, twirling round on the spot.
He was speechless, his heart racing so fast he was scared it would burst right out of his chest.
She was wearing a plain black, low cut mini dress, black leggings and black dolly shoes decorated with white skulls. On anyone else it would have looked average but on Taylor it was amazing.
“I…uh…WOW,” was all he managed to say.
She grinned “Let’s go!”


To say Taylor was drunk would be an understatement. Even wasted didn’t describe her current state.
“What time is it Frankiedoodle?” she slurred hanging onto his arm for dear life as they stumbled up her pathway.
“4am,” he slurred back, nowhere near as drunk as she was but far from sober.
They stumbled in through the front door and made their way to the stairs.
She giggled “Are you going to sleep in my bed again?”
He shrugged and stroked a bit of her hair off her face “Only if you want me to Sugar,” he replied, his voice a gruff whisper.
She smiled “Of course I do,” she managed to whisper back, looping her arms around his neck.
Due to both their drunken states they fell up the last, very top, stair. Ending up being slammed against the wall.
Frank tried to move so he wasn’t crushing her but she stopped him.
“I like you being close to me Frank,” she managed to string together.
He smiled putting a hand either side of her, pressing against the wall. “I like being close to you.”
Unable to hold back any longer she crashed her lips against his.
After a 5 minute make out session against the wall she found herself unbuttoning the buttons on the front of his shirt, expecting him to protest any minute…
…he didn’t.
Still with their lips locked she slid the shirt off his body and threw it too the floor. She ran her hands over his tattooed back and arms and found her heart race even more as he moaned into their kiss.
Moving his hands from where they had been pressing against the wall he gripped her hips and pulled her off the wall and closer to him.
With all the strength he had he pulled away from the kiss…only to move onto her neck. She moaned loudly as he softly bit her, making him smile against her skin.
He looped his arms around her waist and pulled her into the bedroom…