‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Thanks For The Memories


Last night our reporter, Mary Lewis, spotted every teenager’s favorite fashion designer, Marie Winterz, partying the night away at club close to her home; Laymons.
Accompanying her in her quest to paint the town red was handsome rhythm guitarist of up and coming rock band My Chemical Romance- Frank Iero. [the 2 pictured stumbling out of the club at 4am].
Both popular with the teenage generation of today we, at the Daily Mail, wonder if they should portray this type of disgusting behavior, especially as Frank is supposed to be working hard on tour with his band, who are currently residing in the USA.
Do these people really care for their fans or are they just paid too much?

The buzzing of Frank’s phone awoke him from his daydream the next morning.
“Hello?...Yes Brian…I’m in the airport now!...I won’t be long…I realise you’re leaving soon…wait 10 minutes?!...aw come on! At least give me 25!...Ok 15 it is…the plane was delayed!...Argh, I’ll see you soon…Yeah bye.”
He slammed the phone shut, searching for his bag.

Taylor slowly awoke to the sounds of Jack and Sally scratching on her bedroom door.
Must they always wake her when she had a hangover?
She groaned and checked her digital alarm clock.
Whoa, 4pm?!
Lying next to it was 2 painkillers, a glass of water and a writing filled piece of paper.

I’ve left you some painkillers and water…thought you’d need them when you woke up =]
I had to leave so I didn’t miss my flight. I’m really sorry I’m not able to be there when you wake up.
I’ve probably left something behind, send it me? Or better yet, come on tour with us again? I’ll call you.
Oh, we really need to talk about what happened last night…
P.S I’m missing you already and I’m still in the same room as you =[

Sitting up she glanced around the room.
Noticing a pair of his boxers lying on the floor she got out of bed and pulled them on. Anything to be close to him.
Wrapping a blanket around herself she made her way to the bathroom.
She smiled when she noticed his shirt lying on the floor, how did he miss that? Dumbass. Discarding the blanket she pulled it on her cold self.
Glancing into the bathroom mirror she frowned when she noticed the purpley coloured mark on her neck…
Finally remembering what had happened the night before she blushed to herself…

[[the article is meant to sound shite...the Daily Mail ARE shite haha]]