‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Seize The Day or Die Regretting

Frank sighed as his phone buzzed and his Black Flag ringtone filled the cab.
They were stuck in traffic.
“Hello?...Brian! Stop worrying! I’ll be there!...huh? What’s in the newspaper…how did they print it so fast?!...Yes that means it’s true…I’ll speak to you when I get there ok?”

Yawning as she walked down the stairs Taylor frowned when she saw a newspaper lying on her welcome mat. She never got the newspaper delivered…
The headline caught her eye.
“Oh God,” She mumbled, covering her mouth with her hand.
Her sidekick’s message tine filled her ears and she raced over to the sofa to retrieve it.
Good morning Sugar =]. Seen the newspapers yet? =/. Frank xoxo

“Hey Frank!” Ella shouted as he climbed up the bus’ steps.
She ran down the bus and jumped on his back. “How was Tay?”
“She was fine,” he smiled deciding not to tell anyone about what had happened in London or the state he had found Taylor in when he’d first arrived.
“Good Good,” Ella grinned wheezing a bit as she jumped off Frank’s back to the floor.
"Okay?” Frank frowned as she desperately searched for her inhaler in her pockets.
“Yea,” she replied after finding it and getting her breathing back to normal. “I wish Gee would take a leaf out of your book and quit smoking.”
“I wish he would too,” he agreed dumping his bag onto his bunk.
“I think you’ve got a message,” Ella smiled poking Frank’s arm as a simple beep filled each of their ears.
As Frank dug his phone out of his pocket Ella disappeared down the bus to unearth the others from their bunks.
Hi =]. Yes. Seen the paper =/. What’s Brian said about it? Thanks for your note btw. Tay xoxo
Ginning to himself and missing the sound of her voice already…he dialed her number.

“Hello,” Taylor smiled as she balanced the phone between her ear and shoulder, it coming out sounding like ‘Yellow.’
She laughed. “Frank! You’re such a dork!”
But I’m your dork…
“I know, I’ve been told,” he smirked.
“So,” Taylor stated as she constructed a ham salad sandwich. “How’d Brian take the newspaper story?”
“I don’t know yet,” Frank replied, she knew he was shrugging. “He’s on the other bus isn’t he.”
“So what’re you lot up to?”
He sighed. “Driving to God knows where…” he trailed off. “Missing you,” he added mumbling really quietly.
She smiled and her heart rate quickened. “I miss you too Frankie.”
“I…er…don’t know if you- erm- saw it in the note but…” he trailed off once again “Do you want to come to America to be with me…er us?”
She smiled, almost choking on the Coke Zero she was drinking.
“I- er-” she thought back, she had been getting more work done with TaywinterZ when she was on the UK tour with them compared to the zero amount of work she’d done while at home. “I’d love to Frank.”

Go read my new journal
and listen to Cobra Starship while you're at it =]