‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

The Secrets Out

Clinging onto her suitcase she sighed loudly and impatiently as she pushed past the crowds of people littering the Detroit airport.
She glanced around the unfamiliar faces, searching for one she recognised. After a weeks worth of none stop calls off Frank they had discussed that he would meet her when her plane touched down in the USA.
But where was he? Not there.
They still hadn’t discussed what had happened on the last night Frank was in London. Well, it wasn’t a subject you would discuss over the phone really.
Taylor!” She heard a vague shout, she glanced round but saw no one she recognised.
A pair of hands covered her eyes “Guess who.”
If she hadn’t had them shut, she would have rolled them.
“Zacky Vengeance?” She asked in mock hope.
Letting his hands fall to his sides Frank protested “Are you kidding me?!”
She turned around and hugged him “I’m only joking!”
“Good,” he pouted when they had parted.
“What’s this?” She mocked flicking the peak of his cap. “And these?” she added eyeing up his huge white sunglasses. He seemed to be in full disguise.
“Fans are everywhere! We could be mobbed at any time,” he whispered, sounding like he’d just stepped out of MI5.
She rolled her eyes. “You’re kidding right?”
“I thought you would have this view,” he sighed smirking. He went into the deep pocket of his parker coat and handed her a pair of sunglasses identical to his own. Keeping his ‘MI5//Private Detector’ voice he added “Oh, and put your hood up…”

After a short taxi drive the two arrived at a 60s style café. MCR’s huge silver tour bus parked outside.
Taylor raised her eyebrows “Yea, I’m sure no one can tell you guys are here…” She said sarcastically.
“Disguises are fun though!” Frank grinned.

Taylor, Ella, Haley, Charlotte and Aimee had 2 hours free while the guys did a soundcheck for the concert that night. They were doing a journal for the fans in the MCRmy including photos…aka the reason Lisa and Laurel couldn’t join them on this shopping trip.
“I think I need a change ,” Taylor smiled, looking up at the salon they were stood outside of.
“Me, Haley and Charlotte promised the guys we’d go food shopping,” Aimee said, rolling her eyes. “They’ve run out of skittles and twizlers or something.”
Ella glanced to Taylor who’s eyes were still fixated on the salon. “Meet us here in, say, an hour and a half?” she said to Haley, Charlotte and Aimee.
“Okay!” Charlotte grinned linking arms with the two others and dragging them to the store.
“Trying to woo our Frankie?” Ella smirked nudging Tay’s arm.
Giggling at the fact Ella had just used the word ‘woo’, Taylor suddenly blushed and looked away. The events that had happened in London, and the fact that her and Frank were yet to talk, creeping back into her mind.
Ella’s eyes widened and she jumped in front of Tay, placing her hands on each of her best friend’s shoulders. “Whoa! Okay Tay; what happened?”
“Um…nothing?” Tay answered her skin still flushed, biting her bottom lip. She was a terrible liar.
Ella raised her eyebrows and took her hands off Tay’s shoulders to place them on her hips.
“Okay Okay!” Tay sighed “Here goes; I was diagnosed with severe depression a few years ago and it had managed to come back. Frank came to my rescue. I mean, I wasn’t eating or leaving my room let alone the house…”
“Tay! I didn’t know! God, I’m so sorry hon!”
“It doesn’t matter. Anyway, he was leaving the next morning so I though what the hell! and asked him to come to a club with me…”
“Hence the newspaper story?”
“Uh-huh. Well, we were so wasted by 4am. We fell up the top stair of my staircase and…um…ended up against the wall,” as interest danced in Ella’s shining blue eyes Tay bit her thumbnail nervously. “Then- er- one thing led to another…”
“OMG!” Ella exclaimed grinning “That’s so awesome! You and Frank are the perfect couple!!”
“Well, I haven’t had chance to speak to him about it yet,” Tay said as they were finally making their way into the salon. “So don’t tell anyone about this Ella okay?” She began to worry when her best friend wasn’t listening and seemed to be thinking up a plan “Ella!!
“Huh? Oh, yea…don’t tell anyone…whatever.”

Im sure you all know
but these are the sunglasses I mean: