‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Even More Secrets?

Taylor smiled when she felt a pair of arms slide around her waist the next morning as she made herself some toast.
Frank rested his chin on her shoulder. “We need to talk,” he whispered, his breath tickling her neck.
She smiled nervously, her heart going so fast she was afraid of it bursting out of her ribcage. “Y-yea. We do.”
He watched her butter her toast like it was the most interesting thing in the world. His arms still around her waist and chin still resting on her shoulder.
As everyone was still asleep he waited until she had her toast filled plate in her right hand then grabbed her left wrist and dragged her over to the couches.
They both slowly sat.
“Shoot,” she said taking a bite out of the toast.
Frank was looking anywhere but her. Right now it was the letter ‘W’ of ‘HALLOWEEN’ tattooed on his left pointer.
He sighed, obviously trying to think of the right words to say. She put her toast back on the plate that was resting on the tour bus table to she could give him her full attention.
He opened his mouth a few times but quickly shut it again.
“Oh fuck it,” he mumbled suddenly leaning forward and pressing his lips against hers.
Taking his confidence from that he said “Tay, I love you. I’ve loved you ever since I first set eyes on you at the fashion show back in London. Fuck I don’t think I’ve ever stopped loving you.”
A smile came to her face; they were the words she had wished to hear him say for so long.
“I…I love you too Frank.”
He grinned. That grin, it had once broken her heart all those years ago now made her feel happier then she ever thought she could be.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked producing an oblong back suede box from the bag lying at his feet.
“Of course I will,” she smiled, taking the box as he handed it to her and slowly opening it.
A silver necklace decorated with a small diamond guitar came into view. It seemed familiar…but how had he got it?
“How did you…”
He smirked “I found it when I was in London with you.”

Taylor lay in her bunk twirling the guitar on her necklace around her finger.
The guys were out doing an interview, she was in total and utter darkness and she could hear Ella being sick in the bathroom.
She didn’t care about the alone and darkness thing though. Her and Frank…back together. Words couldn’t describe the happiness she was feeling.
They hadn’t told the others. Not just yet. Well for one thing they (mainly Gee, Ella and Haley…possibly Mikey) would rip them apart for hiding their true feelings for each other for this long but also because her and Frank still needed to sort a few things out between themselves.
One of them being called Jamia. She had gone back to NJ for a short while but was due to come back in a week to continue sorting out S//C business with Frank…
Her train of thought was cut short by the curtain surrounding her bunk being pulled back. She quickly tucked her necklace underneath her shirt then turned onto her side to see who it was.
Ella. Basically looking like death warmed up. Dark circles had taken over her once perky and bright eyes.
“Can I tell you something?” She mumbled shakily.
“Sure!” Tay replied moving over so Ella could join her in her bunk.
As she lay next to her best friend Ella sighed “I can tell you anything right?”
“Of course you can!” Tay smiled brushing a strand of Ella’s hair off her face and tucking it behind her ear. “Go ahead.”
Ella gulped. “I’m pregnant.”

Im sure you all know =]
But this is the tattoo Im on about
Yea, just another excuse to post a Frank pic...haha