‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Giraffes, hormones, skittles and Dr Pepper.

Taylor’s eye widened and her jaw dropped “You’re going to have a baby!?” she exclaimed sounding like a 12 year old. She adored babies and small children, by the look on Ella’s face it was like they had swapped views on the subject.
“No Tay. I’m gunna give birth to a fucking giraffe,” Ella said sarcastically. “What d’you think?”
“Oooh touchy,” Taylor smiled rightly blaming Ella’s snappiness on her hormones. “What’s Gerard said?”
Ella bit her bottom lip. “I haven’t told him yet,” she mumbled. “I’m scared of how he’ll take it.”
“Are you kidding?! He’ll be over the moon!” Tay grinned “He loves you and I’m 100% positive he’ll love mini Gee or Ella just as much.”
“You really think so?” Ella asked, hope now shining in her baby blues.
“Nope. I know so,” Tay reassured her.
Grinning Ella promised “I’ll tell him when they get back.”

“We’re baaack!” Bob’s voice echoed through the bus. Charlotte, Aimee and Haley jumped to their feet to pounce on Bob, Ray and Mikey…well, not all at the same time cause that would have been weird.
“I have skittles and Dr Pepper!” Frank exclaimed holding a bag of treats above his head.
On hearing this Taylor scrambled to her feet and actually did pounce on Frank.
“Get off me fatass!” he complained, winking at her.
She raised an eye brow. “Just hand over the Dr Pepper.”

“You okay hon?” Gerard asked, in all the fuss going on in the bus they had managed to slip outside unnoticed.
“I-I have to tell you something,” she stuttered folding her arms across her chest to keep herself warm just as he lit up a cigarette.
“Shoot,” he said, concern etched on his face as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.
She took a deep breath “GerardI’mpregnant.”
A look of shock came to his face “Y-you’re sure?”
She nodded “I knew you’d hate-”
But she was cut off by Gerard throwing his cigarette to the floor, lifting her up and twirling her round.
“I’m so happy right now!” he exclaimed “I love you so fucking much Ella.”
“I love you too Gee.”