‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

The Break Up

Taylor leaned back in her seat, giggling at Pete and Patrick. They were like a double act…
She glanced over to Frank – her plan was working. He looked extremely stressed out and pissed off….
“Taaaay!” Patrick whined knowing her concentration was elsewhere. “Are you listening?”


“I think we should get going now!” Brian shouted over the dance music blaring from the club’s huge speakers. “I’ve booked us a hotel!”
“I don’t wanna leave Peter though!” Taylor exclaimed wrapping her arms around Pete’s waist.
Frank frowned, twitching slightly and moving from foot to foot.
“You okay Frankie?” Jamia asked placing a hand softly on his shoulder.
He jumped but managed to fake a smile “Yea, sure…”

“Okay guys…guys…GUYS LISTEN!” Brian shouted, none of the others had been paying attention…
…until now.
Gerard pulled away from Ella. “Yea?”
“Room pairings; Gee and Ella, Haley and Mikey, Bob and Charlotte, Ray and Aimee, Frank and Tay and Jamia on her own,” Brian said handing out room keys.
What?” Both Tay and Frank exclaimed together.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay on your own Jay?” Frank asked, Tay rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
Ella noticed this and sent her best friend a questioning look…only to be ignored.
“I’ll be fine!” Jamia smiled “See you guys in the morning!”

Taylor and Frank wandered down the long, plainly decorated corridor to their room in total and utter silence.
She leaned against the white wash wall as he unlocked the door. She wasn’t drunk…just a little buzzed, slightly tipsy some would say.
He swung the door open and they wandered in…still silent.
One double bed? Tay thought Fucking GREAT.
They dumped their over-night bags at the bottom of the bed.
“Okay,” Frank finally said “What the fuck has been wrong with you tonight?”
She stood across the bed the bed from him, hand on her hips. “‘I like the excitement of being a secret’,” she answered, badly mocking his voice. “What a load of SHIT!”
He stared at her, mouth open due to the shock of her sudden outburst.
Just as he was going to argue his case she stalked off into the bathroom, bag in hand.
She emerged less than 5 minutes later smelling of toothpaste and wearing her pajamas…a strappy top so tight it showed off every curve and a pair of shorts that didn’t leave much to the imagination.
His heart fluttered so much he thought he’d soon be in hospital with a heart attack.
“If you love and want to protect Jamia so much then why don’t you get back together with her instead of me!?” she snapped, rolling her eyes at the way he was looking at her.
That brought him back down to Earth. “Tay,” he whispered making his way round the bed. Amazingly she let him place his hands on her hips and kiss her forehead. “Taylor, it’s you I love. Not Jamia…and, contrary to what the fans like to think, not Gerard either…”
He grinned as she giggled. “I just want everyone to know Frank. I’m sick of telling lies to my best mates.”
He kissed her softly. “I’ll tell Jamia tomorrow.”
“You promise?” She asked snuggling into his chest.
“I promise.”

Who almost died when they saw the title?