‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

At The Airport

Taylor grinned and wrapped her arms around Frank’s neck lightly kissing him on the cheek.
“You two are so cute!”
Turning their heads quickly they saw Ella standing at the bus entrance.
“When’re you telling the others then?” she asked.
“Well, I’ve told Jamia…” Frank answered, squeezing Tay’s hand.
“That the reason why she’s left and isn’t coming to NJ with us?”
Frank nervously scratched the back of his neck “You could say that…”
“Awesome. Well, c’mon you two love birds!” Ella said, changing the subject and clapping her hands together “Grab your suitcases and get in the car. We’ve got a plane to catch!”

“OMG it’s My Chemical Romance!”
The guys grinned and waved to their adoring fans, unfortunately not being able to stop and sign autographs as their plane was leaving in 10 minutes.
They shouted apologies over their shoulders as they dashed to the particular gate they should have been at half an hour ago.
Fortunately for them they were granted entry to the plane despite their lateness.
As they were walking behind everyone else Taylor laced her fingers with Frank’s.
“Y’know what?” she said so only he could hear. He nodded his head so she knew he was listening. “I think we should just act like a couple in front of the others and see how long it takes them to notice…”
He smirked “Sounds like a plan.”

Dear readers,
Im sorry i havent been updating an awful lot. GCSEs and all that shit eh?

I just wanted to let you know a few things. I only have 2 exams left, Welsh on Monday and Statistics on Thursday. I'm going to the zoo with 31 of my mates on Tuesday and have revision on Wednesday. But all the other days I can update.

In all honesty [[dont judge me about this okay?]] I've had a bit of a downer on My Chem for the past few weeks and havent had any inspiration what so ever for this story.
But it's all good now. I realised that Im a MCR fan till I die and it proved it these past few weeks. At the minute My Chem teenies are pure pissing me off. But they do anyway.

So...will you all read my new story? No one's read it yet =[

ILY all

Sam xoxo