‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

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“You okay babe?” Frank asked placing his hand on the small of her back. She nodded and let out a shaky sigh.
“It just feels so…weird being back here…”
He nodded, sort of understanding what she meant.
She smiled at the thoughtful expression on his face and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pressed her lips against his and stopped him from walking.
Come on you two! We wanna see our families!” Gerard called over his shoulder “Wait…what the fuck?!” He then exclaimed when he had turned around.
Tay and Frank grinned.
“YayFrankandTayareinloveagain!” he shouted as one word. He ran over and pulled them both into a hug.
“Omg! Lyk is that My Chemical Romance?!”
All the guys tensed, as NJ was their home they didn’t usually get hounded by fans…especially teenies.
They all slowly looked up, Frank had his eyes shut.
Then Taylor giggled.
The guys looked up towards the direction of the voice to see Eve, her arms spread wide and a huge grin on her face.
Tay untangled herself from where Gerard still had her and Frank in a death-grip hug and ran over to hug her cousin.

Her mom, Frank’s mom, Ella’s mom…they all still lived in exactly the same houses as years before. Refusing to move just because their children had come into a ‘little bit of money’.
Taylor and Frank were lay on her old bed in her old room once they had promised Eve they would escort her to the park the next day to prove to her friends that she did actually know the legendary My Chemical Romance.
“What d’you wanna do?” Tay asked, resting her head on Frank’s chest. The guys had agreed to spend a few days apart, to have their time alone with their families and loved ones.
“Wanna go for a walk?” He suggested “I mean, when was the last time you saw New Jersey?”

“I can’t believe they shut it down,” Taylor frowned glancing up to the old torn down building that had once been ‘The Coffee House’. “I thought I was gunna end up spending the rest of my life here.”
Frank smiled sadly “I couldn’t believe it either.”
It had been the building before them that had brought them together.
They had The Coffee House to thank for where they were today.

BTW Im gunna try and finish this today =]