‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

All I Want For Christmas Is You

-3 days later-

“Morning mom, Eve, Dan,” Taylor mumbled, stumbling into the kitchen.
A flash of a camera awoke her properly.
“Aw mom…what the f…uhm…hell?”
“Well, I don’t get to see you anymore do I?” her mom said going back to preparing Christmas dinner. “I need a reminder of what my daughter looks like!”
Tay rolled her eyes “When I’ve just woke up though?”
She was answered by a bout of silence.
“Anyway!” Dan exclaimed “Merry Christmas cuz!” He stood and kissed Tay on the cheek.
“Thanks Dan,” she smiled “Merry Christmas to you too…and you Eve.”
Even replied with a full 40 watt grin.
A pair of arms slid around Tay’s waist just as a pair of lips pressed against her cheek.
“Kodak moment!” Julie exclaimed quickly snatching up the camera and unleashing the awfully bright flash once again.
Frank rubbed his eyes “Wow,” he said, blinking a few times.
“What d’you wanna do?” Tay asked “I mean, once me and Frank open our presents?” she added smiling.
Both Eve and Frank’s faces lit up and they exclaimed “Lets watch Nightmare Before Christmas!” at the same time.

A few hours later, at 2pm, the Christmas dinner Julie had slaved over had been eaten and Tay and Frank were headed to his old place to visit his mom; Linda.
Why did The Coffee House close down anyway?” Taylor asked Frank, the discovery of her old hang out’s closure still shocked her.
“People stopped going there when you left,” Frank said mock seriously “They demanded the hot piece of ass back.”
She laughed “Uhm… ‘hot piece of ass’?”
“Too right mutha fuka.”
She rolled her eyes “See, although you try, we both know you’ll never be as gangsta as me.”
Frank faked being upset “Just don’t say that to my mom. She was so proud when I became more gangsta. To know I’ve been beaten by a girl would just upset her too much.”