‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Now Come One Come All To This Tragic Affair

Everyone met back up a further 3 days later in the park they had spent so mush time in years before.
“So what did Ella buy you for Christmas?” Taylor smirked at Gerard.
“Hair dye,” he replied motioning towards his newly dyed hair. He was back to black and it felt good.
“Dude, seriously?” Mikey asked only to have his older brother and everyone else laugh at his gullible nature.
“What time does the plane leave tomorrow?” Ray questioned and it was back to business, serious looks donned everyone’s face once again.
They were leaving the next day to go to New York, the guys were playing a show to bring the new year in.
“5pm,” Aimee answered “So at the airport for 2 okay?”
The guys nodded and lapsed into silence.
“It’s weird being back here, all together again,” Ella piped up, never one to be able to stay quiet.
Charlotte smiled. “I know right? The only other place we spent so much time in was The Coffee House.”
“Speaking of coffee,” Mikey smiled.
Haley sighed “Come on then,” and got to her feet “Cya tomorrow guys,” she called over her shoulder as her and Mikey went in the direction of the park’s exit.
“Ray, didn’t your parents say they had a table booked for us?” Aimee suddenly remembered, jumping to her feet.
Ray sighed and muttered “Oh yea,” under his breath. Just as Haley and Mikey had a few seconds before Ray and Aimee headed for the gate.
“Fuck!” Bob suddenly exclaimed checking his watch “El, mom wanted me, you, Gee and Charl home 10 minutes ago!” he said jumping to his feet closely followed by the 3 others. “Knowing her she wants to take some pictures before we leave or some shit like that.”
The four waved over their shoulders as they left.
“Alone again,” Taylor stated as Frank sat on the awing next to her.
“Pity we haven’t argued and need to make up eh?” he answered wriggling his eyebrows suggestively.
She rolled her eyes and silence fell over them.
Somewhere in the distance an owl hooted and a dog barked. Frank reached for Taylor’s hand and laced his fingers with hers.
Now would be the perfect time he thought to himself. The perfect time to ask a question he had been longing to ask.
Just as he opened his mouth she spoke.
“Y’know what’s even weirder?”
Silently sighing he shook his head “Nope. What?”
She paused for a second “This is exact spot we broke up.”
Frank’s heart sank, where was this leading?
She smiled “And now look at us. Stronger and happier then ever,” she squeezed his hand “I love you Frank, so much.”
“I love you too Tay.”

2more to gooooo!