‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

The Jetset Life Is Gunna Kill You

New York. The big city.
Taylor stood at her and Frank’s hotel window staring down to the other buildings and the roads filled with yellow taxis.
Frank came and stood next to her. After a few seconds he shuddered.
“Heights scare the living shit outta me.”
Laughing Taylor turned away from the window. “Quoting your own band’s lyrics is never cool.”

10 or so minutes later they had collected all the stuff they needed for a day filled with band practices, interviews and meeting fans and had joined the others downstairs.
“Nice of you to join us,” Brian grinned then carried on explaining his ‘expert’ plan on getting the cars unnoticed.
“Brian, it’s not like we’re in the army! Why don’t we just go through the front door like normal people?” Gerard said, rolling his eyes.
Brian shrugged and raised his eyebrows. “It’s up to you but…well, you’ll see.”

And so they did.
As soon as they exited the front doors of the hotel they were bombarded with people; fans and the press.
A woman with long blonde hair grabbed Tay’s arm, detaching her from Frank’s side.
Before Tay could open her mouth the woman’s questions began.
“Are you and Frank Iero serious? How long have you known the guys? What’s it like being with them all the time? Is it true Gerard Way’s fiancé is pregnant?”
Bewildered by this woman’s pushyness Tay quickly looked around for help.
She saw the guys over by the car and said the first thing that came to mind.
“I…uhm…no comment!”
She ducked between the many sandwiched people and finally made it to the shiny black hummer.
“Here you are Miss Adams,” the huge security guy said in a deep voice. His shirt stretched across massive muscles and dark sunglasses covered his eyes ad most of his face meaning she didn’t know where he was looking as he held the back door open for her.
She smiled and thanked him anyway as she stepped into the back of the big air conditioned car.
Tay!” Frank exclaimed hugging her tightly.
“What the fuck was that?” Gerard said, he had an arm around Ella’s shoulder and a protective hand on her stomach.
That was what I was trying to warn you about,” Brian said as Tay – still feeling a little shaken up – crawled onto Frank’s lap.
“Now say you’re never going to doubt me again,” Brian smirked “Go on, say it.”
The guys just rolled their eyes.

next one's the last!