‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

Photo-proofed Kisses I Remember So Well

He hadn’t mentioned seeing Taylor to anyone else…not even Jamia or Haley.
He went straight to the bunks when they arrived back at the bus, the others settled down to watch a film.
He shut the door separating the bunks from the living area and pulled one of his suitcases from under his bed.
Frantically searching through the clothes he cursed under his breath, he could’ve sworn he’d brought it.
A sigh of relief escaped his lips when a thick purple scrap book came into view.
He hadn’t looked at this for 4 years but took it every where he went.
He opened the shabby book and stared at the first page for a few seconds.
Frank, Happy 4th anniversary Oreo babe. <3 you, always have and always will- Tay xoxo
He thought he was over her…well after the first 2 years and when he met back up with Jamia.
But right now he missed her so much.

Lisa had offered to drive home, Marie was curled up in the passenger seat almost asleep and Laurel, Eve and Dan were chatting in the backseat.
“You’ll never guess who I met!” Eve exclaimed, her voice rising above Laurel and Dan’s.
“Hmm,” Marie answered sleepily.
“My Chemical Romance! I got all of their autographs AND a hug off Frank!”
Marie choked on the air she’d gasped in. “MCR were there?” she asked, now feeling wide awake.
“Yea! They were so awesome! Frank said he used to know someone called Eve!”

“Thank you for letting us come to your show, g’night Marie,” Eve yawned going into the room her and Dan were using while they were staying with Marie.
“No problem. Night,” Marie replied sounding distracted.
She stood on her bed and reached over to the top of her wardrobe.
She pulled a white box down and almost fell over as it dropped onto her bed.
Sitting down next to it Indian style she lifted off the lid.
She called it her ‘memories box’, lying before her between cardboard walls was objects, photographs, and videos of her past in New Jersey. No one, apart from her, had seen it.
A video camera caught her eye; she frowned not remembering why it was there.
She switched her small TV situated on her bedside table, and attached the camera to it via its cable.
She pressed play and an image of her and Frank in her old bedroom flashed on screen. She plugged in her earphones.
“This is our second video cause Frank wrecked the first!” Taylor laughed, rolling her eyes and flicking her black hair out of her eyes.
“I did not,” Frank protested wrapping his arms around Taylor’s waist and leaning his chin on her shoulder. “So what’re we meant to be doing in this video?”
Taylor shrugged “Whatever. It’s for future reference…so we can, like, show our grandkids or something.”
“Can I do this?” He asked turning her head and pressing his lips against hers.
“Frank!” she exclaimed, jokingly pushing him away “No porn!”
“Well now we can’t show our grandkids, you mentioned porn!” he laughed.
“I’m sick of this. Shall we turn the camera off and go get Gee and Ella?” she asked.
“Attention span of a squirrel,” Frank tutted “But yea okay. How d’you turn it off?”
“I have NO idea,” Taylor giggled.
“I think it’s this button…” Frank moved closer to the camera and the screen went black.

Marie stared at the blank screen for a few seconds, then replayed the video watching how happy her and Frank were together.
For the first time in 4 years, she missed him.