‹ Prequel: Black Roses

White Lilies

It’s a No Smoking Sign on Your Cigarette Break

“What do we need Eve?” Marie whined, she hated it when it was her turn to do the food shopping.
She turned to face her cousin to see she had a sidekick, on video mode, staring at her.
“Eve, I know we’d said we would take loads of pictures and videos when we were together but now?”
Eve grinned “Yes now. People need to see the normal side of you Marie.”
“But I’m not normal!” Marie exclaimed doing the ‘Pete-Wentz-growl-face’.
“You do that face really well,” Eve said.
Marie shrugged and went back to looking at what was on the shelves “I was taught by the best.”
Eve pressed ‘stop’ on the sidekick and replaced it in her pocket. “I’ll take the sodas, cakes and sweets; you take the boring healthy stuff. Kay?”
Marie rolled her eyes but nodded anyway. She handed Eve some money and arranged to meet her at the entrance in 15 minutes.
She strolled down one of the isles, occasionally placing something in her basket and humming Green Day’s ‘Basket Case’ to herself. She didn’t notice the guy stood in front of the comic books drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette.
Well, until she walked into him.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed re-adjusting her black and silver trucker hat.
“No problem,” he smiled. They both looked up and her heart raced when she saw it was Gerard.
“You do realise it’s no smoking in here don’t you?” she stuttered, cursing her dork-ness.
“Sorry,” he apologised “Hey! I know you!” she felt sick “You’re Marie Winterz! Yeah, my fiancée loves your stuff.”
Marie smiled quickly “Tell her I said thanks. I’ve gotta run, meeting someone,” she rushed shouting “Nice speaking to you!” over her shoulder.
Gerard shrugged and carried on looking at the comic books.

“Gee, you’ve been staring at these comics for, what, 10 minutes now?” Ella rolled her eyes when her and Frank joined Gerard.
“Yea dude, you gunna buy one or not?” Frank joked.
Gerard shook his head “Nah. English comic books suck.”
“So you managed to dodge out of helping me and Frank with the shopping by saying you wanted to look at comic books you knew sucked?”
“Pretty much, yea.”
Ella raised her eyebrows and shook her head in disbelief.
“But I did meet that fashion designer, Marie Winterz, a few minutes ago.”
“You did?” to Gerard’s surprise it wasn’t Ella’s shocked voice but Frank’s. “Which way did she go?”
Gerard frowned “Why do you care?”
“Because, dipshit, ‘Marie Winterz’ is Taylor Adams!”

This is the face I mean btw:
Sorry it's short, I'll probably update again today