Status: one-shot

So Long and Goodnight


'Never had I ever thought I’d be in this sort of situation' I thought to myself when I woke up with the worst hangover ever, and Jamie curled into me, sound asleep. 'What the hell happened last night?'

I stumbled into the bathroom and downed a couple of advils and a big glass of water, filling the glass back up and taking out two more pills figuring Jamie would probably need them too. Slowly and carefully I got back into my bed, Jamie automatically curling up into me again. Smiling, I closed my eyes, and almost immediately fell back asleep.

* * *

A loud thud woke me up this time. As I looked around, I realized Jamie wasn’t in the bed with me. “Jamie?” I asked groggily, still half-asleep. I stood up and went into the bathroom to take a leak. Washing my hands, I realized that the advil and water were both still there. Walking back into my room, I realized Jamie must have made the thud that had woken me up, because he was standing next to my bed with his hand on his head and a look of confusion on his face.

“What the hell happened last night?” he asked me.

“Uh, I was kinda hoping you’d be able to help me with that” I admitted sheepishly, “All I remember is that bottle of vodka and a game of truth or dare, everything else is fuzzy”

“Fuck” he said, after sitting down on my bed and jumping right back up, rubbing his ass.
“Fuck is right” I muttered, rubbing my hand over my face, “I guess that means I cheated on Cass, she’s gonna be so pissed when she finds out”

“Well, I’m not planning on telling her” he said, “are you?”

“She’ll eventually find out so I’ll tell her everything I remember, nothing else” I decided, she would still be upset, she had warned me when Jamie moved here not to do anything with him, since I'm known as a bit of a player.

"Brennan, you know I'm moving to Long Island next month, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, so? We can still be friends." I said.

"You know it's at least a full day's car ride to Long Island from Maine, at least."

"True... but we'll still talk and stuff," I said, then added after an awkward pause "right?"

"I really don't know" he sighed, "I've said that to people before and then it never actually happens"

"Oh" I said, us falling into a very awkward silence.

"Do you have any advil?" Jamie asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh, yeah!" I said, jumping up and running off into my bathroom, grabbing the things I had taken out for him earlier, and brought them back to him.

"Thanks, I've got a killer headache"

"Be thankful you're not puking" I said, having dealt with that myself before.

"That's true" he said, nervously playing with his hip piercing.

"Where did you get that?" I blurted out without thinking.

"What?" he asked, then realized what I was talking about, "Oh, my piercing? Umm... well, when I lived in Florida last year I used to drink a lot and I did weed and stuff, anyway, one morning I woke up on the floor at some person's house and I had this. I moved here a little while after that and I haven't smoked and I've avoided drinking since then" he said.

Slowly he sat down on my bed, wincing slightly, after a long silence I heard him mutter so quietly I almost missed it, "I feel like such a whore"

Sitting down, I pulled him into me "You aren't a whore Jamie", I murmured into his hair, "You just made a drunken mistake, it happens to everyone at least once in their lives." he made a feeble attempt at a laugh, "There ya go!" I said, pressing a light kiss to his temple before jumping off the bed and pulling him off with me.

"Where are we going?" he asked, laughing, as I pulled him down the hallway.

"To make you feel better!" I answered, laughing too.

"How so?" he asked as I pulled him down the stairs.

"We're gonna watch the funniest movie ever made and veg out!" I answered, finally coming to a stop in my living room, "Now sit while I go get the food" I ordered him, running into the kitchen and throwing the popcorn into the microwave.

"You better not have moved!" I called out as I walked into the living room, trying to balance the giant bowl of popcorn, two sodas, and some candy. Jamie was sitting on the couch, a blanket over him and an innocent look on his face. After about a minute of us just staring at each other, we both burst out laughing at the same time.

"Wanna help me with this?" I asked after I finally caught my breath.

"But you told me not to move!" he said, with a completely straight face, making us burst out laughing again.

"I'll take that" Jamie said after we finally calmed down, grabbing the bowl of popcorn from me.

"Thank you!" I said, putting the other stuff down so I could turn on the t.v. and put in my copy of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, if I could only find it. "Where are you?" I complained out loud.

"Over here!" Jamie called, laughing.

"Not you, stupid! My D.V.D!" I yelled back.

"Meanie head!" he yelled at me, and probably stuck his tongue out too.

"I found it!" I shouted, waving the case in the air victoriously. After putting the D.V.D. into the player, I pushed play and sat on the couchdangerously close to Jamie.

"What are we even watching?" Jamie asked as the movie started to play.

"Monty Python and the Holy Grail, now shush and read the subtitles on this part, they're really funny" I said, already laughing.

Around the part where they have to get a shrubbery for the Knights Who Say NI!, I looked over at Jamie, who had fallen back asleep. His head was in my lap and his face was turned toward the t.v. screen. bringing my attention back to the movie.

Sometime after that, I must have fallen asleep so that I woke up just at the end of the movie to find Jamie, once again, on top of me with his still sleeping face in the crook of my neck.
'This is going to be awkward'
♠ ♠ ♠
word count: 1,083
how was it?
I feel like it was too rushed at the end...
and yes, this is the Jamie from What Is Love?