This, Was a Thing of Destiny


“Yes, I’m free tonight so I thought it would be a good idea to go to one of the most waited concerts here in Miami, and I like Bring the Horizon’s music.”

“Really? It’s weird because I like the band named Bring Me the Horizon, the band you mentioned I think I never heard of it.”

“Allie, I… I…”

“I think we are late, see you later Jacks.” I said as I hanged up.

What’s going on with me? I quickly recalled what I was supposed to do and put my previously worn clothes. I went to see if Camille was still talking to Oli but she was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps she went to the spa and forgot to tell me she was going or they are in the hallway doing something. I laughed maliciously looking like I’m nuts but who cares, right?

I made my way to the spa to make a quick stop at reception.

~~ Third person~~

She made a quick stop at the lobby where Jackson was working. She glanced every single corridor trying to make up her mind and find an escape exit, but in heart she knew that she had to do it, she must do it. It was so difficult to her to just talk to him like any other person.

Tom was going to see if Amelie was still in her room so as to spend some time with her, he didn’t like the idea of passing through reception after the whole little chat he had with the receptionist, but there was no other way to get to her room, he didn’t know another one.

~~ Amelie~~

Okay this is now or never

“Hey Jackson” I tried to say in a sweet tone but it became a failure.

“Oh… Hi” He said in a somewhat an upset tone.

“Look… I’m sorry for hanging up the way I did, but I could help myself. So, I came here to apologize.” I said in apologetic tone with one of my sincerest smiles.

“It’s okay Allie. Everyone has a shitty day. I can understand you.” He said in a litter tone than before.

“Friends?” I said and in an insecure way I extended my hand for him to shake it. Instead he just turned and walked away. Leaving me like a dumb with the hand extended, and my temper was getting worse and worse by every second that passed. I was going to pretend nothing happened when Jackson came and hugged me.

“I don’t want to be your friend, but if you want me to be it I’ll be it just to please you.” He said through my hair, softly making me laugh.

“Aww Jackson” I said when the embrace finished.

~~ Tom~~

I was just a couple of meters when I saw Amelie, just seeing her made my heart beat faster, she was talking with someone, I got a little bit closer and I saw she was talking to the receptionist. Then the guy left her with her hand extended, it my blood boil just to see him ignore her, how he could do such a thing to her, I mean she is like God or something. The guy reappeared just when she was leaving; I suppose upset for what he did, and embraced her and told her something through her hair, making her laugh- that glorious laugh. When the hug finished she told him something with a smile plastered in her face.

I felt my heart ache like I never felt before. What is happing to me? I never felt this way before, never ever, never for a girl this way. Something has changed but what? This isn’t love I’m felling, it can’t be. I just barely know her, I mean, we do click when we met but it doesn’t mean anything, does it?

I quickly left the place where I was standing and got back to my room just to clear my head. When I arrived, I just took my iPod, placed the earbuds and listened to some harsh music to rethink of what I feel and not towards Allie. First of all, I suppose I like Allie in some way. Second of all, she feels something towards me, but why did she hugged that guy in reception, if she feels something for me? It isn’t clear at all. I’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

[The night of the same day] ~~ Allie ~~

“Así que te hiciste amiga de mi primo.” Camille said in a curious tone. (So… you befriended my cousin)

“Si y, además, me disculpé con el por haberlo tratado mal cuando llamo, en el momento que estabas hablando con Oli.” I said in a matter-of-fact tone. (Yep, and I apologized for not treating him properly when he called, in the moment you were talking with Oli.)

“Really?” she asked. I just nodded “So you are not pissed off that he is going to the gig.”

“The what? Oh my God! I’ve completely forgot we were going; what time is it?” I asked getting a little desperate to grab my stuff and get ready.

“Relax Allie! We have an hour and a half to get ready. Plus, our skin looks fantabulous thanks to the spa, the only thing we have to do is to put some makeup and some clothes on to go and we are ready,”

“How do you call to other rooms?” I asked as I was buttoning my black short.

“You dial numeral and the room number you want to communicate with.” She stated in a receptionistic way.

I dialed #313 and waited for someone to pick the phone. PIP… PIP…

“Hello?” a male voice answered.

“Tom?” I asked.

“Oy, Allie its Oli… Tom is mmm…. Hold on.” Oli stated. I could hear him talking to Tom and telling him to answer but he would do it. He didn’t want to talk to me. “Allie he is mmm at the bathroom.”

“It’s okay Oli you don’t have to lie… Just tell him I’ll be there in any minute. Don’t tell him anything I’ll be there in a few secs.” I hung up.

I quickly changed in the clothes I’d picked before, did my makeup, grabbed my bag and stuff and left to see what was going on with Tom.

[Time lapse]


Oli opened the door revealing his stage clothes which were nothing special from his previous look but who cares. He smiled at me, and whispered. “Allie, come in.” I stepped in and saw all the BMTH band members. Oli introduced me to them and I kept saying ‘hi’ every time he mentioned another person. I got close to Oli and whispered.

“Does he know I’m here?” He simply nodded and took me to Tom’s room. I sat on Tom’s bed and waited for him to appear from the bathroom. I grabbed the iPod that was lying on his bed and stared hearing the song that was on, Say Goodnight from BFMV filled my ears and I started singing along with my eyes closed, I think too loud enough for everyone to listen to me. I opened my eyes and saw everyone staring at me like I was some kind of freak or something.

“Mmm… hey guys, what’s going on?” I asked innocently.

“Did you just sing Say Goodnight?” One of the Matt’s said. I nodded my head and they just kept staring. I quickly went to Tom’s side and grabbed his hand and took him outside.
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Dun Dun Dun
mm I know I took a while.
well I hope you like it :D