This, Was a Thing of Destiny


“Mmm… hey guys, what’s going on?” I asked innocently.

“Did you just sing Say Goodnight?” One of the Matt’s said, I think it was Nicholls. I nodded my head and they just kept staring. I quickly went to Tom’s side and grabbed his hand and drag him outside. On the way out, I heard one of the Matt’s say something like: “Remember to use protection, guys”

“So…” I started so as for him to tell what was going on as soon as we were in the corridor.

“So…” He repeated. I was starting to get frustrated with his indifference, but I could tell, even if I barely met him that he was upset with something that might, possibly involve me.

“So, what’s going on?” I said, I don’t think ‘said’ is the proper word maybe squeaked; the nerves got the best out of me.

“Nothing, okay?! There is nothing to worry about, okay?! I’m relaxed, that’s it!” I was shocked by his sudden outburst. I knew there was something that bothered him. I smiled at him.

“You are a tall little liar!” I chuckled. “There’s no way in hell that you are fucking relaxed!” I said in a low serious tone that made his eyes pop.

“Why don’t you go and shag that Jackson guy of reception?!” He said in a cold evil tone. “That would take a weight off my shoulders, and would help me realize that ‘our’ kiss was a HUGE mistake.” I couldn’t believe that he really meant what he said or even the fact that he actually said them put loud, I knew I was going to cry but instead I felt my blood being boiled by the anger I felt towards Tom.

“You know what? I’ll go and do that.” I said sarcastically. “He would be more fun than you’ll ever be.” With that said I went towards the dorm. I bet I heard him say – I knew you were a complete slut.

“Like I care what you think!” I shouted not caring of that some of the costumers were taking a nap. Then I remembered I have left my bag in his room that contained all my precious things: make up bag, iPod and cellphone, the blood ran out of my face. I’ll guess I’m going to make a) Camille to pick it up or b) tell Oli to bring it to our room. I rather do B than A cause, knowing how forgettable Camille can be around boys, she might forget why she went to Oli’s slash Tom’s room.

I went through reception to check if Camille was there, but fortunately she wasn’t so that meant that my plan wasn’t screwed yet. When I got to my room, I found Camille talking to the phone.

“Well I see you later.” She said. She smiled like a kid when they are given some candy they were not supposed to eat. “Oli! I really have to go.”…

“Wait!- I stared saying

“Okay, bye.” She hanged up. “Shit” I muttered as I was going to crash on my bed.

“What’s going on?” she said extremely bubbly. I really wanted to commit suicide, everything was going so good and then that moron that calls himself: Tom Sykes strikes in. Woow hoo!- note my sarcasm.

“Did I do something wrong?” She said as soon as she saw my face when I stopped on glaring the ceiling. I shook my head and muttered: never mind. She stared at me and said:

“I know you Allie, you are not okay. Tell me what’s wrong.” She said in a concerned tone. I broke our eye contact “Is Tom, isn’t it?” I fixed my gaze towards the ground. “If you are not telling me I’ll ask Oli.” She went towards the phone and dialed To- I mean Oli’s room number.

“Didn’t he tell you?” I asked out of the blue.

“No, he just asked for you and told me of how he was waiting for the gig. Then he said he needed to talk to me about something and how he prepared something for me. Suddenly, you came inside and you know what happened later.” She said just before pronouncing HIS name. “Hey Tom can you get me Oli, please.”… “He what?!”… “Yeah she is here”…“Oh… I understand, okay”… There was a knock in our door. “I guess he is here, thanks anyway.” I stood up and fully opened the door to see who it was, like Cam said it was Oli with my bag. A smile made its way towards my face.

“Yo! Allie you forgot you bag and I thought that after that huge quick fight you had with my brother you would make me or Camille to bring it to you.” He stated, as if he was reading my mind, and extended his hand that was grabbing my bag for me to grab it.. I stared at him in awe.

“How did you…? Never mind.” I shifted my weight towards my left foot. “Well… thanks I guess.” I said taking the bag from his hand. “How did you know we have fought? The walls are pretty thick and the door is sound isolated.”

“We have our ways” He smiled cheekily. “There’s an application in the phones called voice recorder, and with that on you place it in the gap left between the door and floor.” He explained like I was a two year old child that did not know what a cellphone is.

“I’m not a blonde bimbo, there’s a thing called BRAIN and I know how to use it. Hold on a second, WHO THE HELL IS WE?” I nearly screamed fearfully.

“The guys…” he moved his hands “Bring me the Horizon?” I nodded understanding that I completely forgot that they were there. “Are you okay?” He asked a bit concerned.

“I just forgot they guys were in the room, that’s it.” I said unsure of what he meant. He entered the room and sat on the three cushion sofa; I closed the door behind me and sat on the armchair.

“Are you okay?” He repeated and looked more concerned.

“I don’t know what you mean.” I answered slightly confused.

“I mean, are you okay after the fight? You don’t seem all bubbly and confident like in this morning when I first met you.” I stared at him in awe. I heard the toilet being flushed.

“I’m fine, I guess.” I said trying to sound confident but Oli’s face said otherwise, he did not buy my white little lie. He was about to speak when Camille said.

“Allie don’t lie, it is written in your face that you are not okay.” I stared at the floor guiltily. “Oli what happened?” She suddenly asked.

“Well… Tom and Allie fought; I came to leave the bag because she had forgotten it in our room.” He expressed as a matter of fact. “Do you want to listen to it?” He asked out of the blue. Cam nodded her head vigorously. I turned the TV on and place it on Vh1, just to bother them and not to hear those hurtful words Tom said.

“I just can believe he actually said that!” Camille said slightly annoyed. “What I don’t understand is why he mentions Jackson. It is not like he saw you with him.” She turned her gaze towards me; I could feel her eyes fixed on me, so I turned the TV off and shrugged my shoulders.

“I don’t know. I barely talk to Jackson, you know how I reacted when he ca…” Suddenly, everything seemed to fit. “Oh oh”

“What is it?” Cam asked concerned.

“Who the heck is Jackson?” Oli’s outburst made me recall he was in the room.

“Jackson is my cousin, he works here in reception.” Cam briefly explained “Allie, please continue, what happened?”

“Oli is your brother jealous?” I answered with another question.

“Depends if the girl is special or a complete slut.” I stared at him so as to continue. “If the girl is a complete slut, he would let her be a slut. However, if the girl is somewhat special to him he is extremely jealous and any hug you might share or simple kiss in the cheek might make him go insane of jealousy.”

“Schieβe!” I muttered looking at the TV.

“Allie, tell me what happened.” Camille demanded.

“Hmm… remember when I went to apologize to Jacks because I didn’t treat him like kindly?” Cam nodded her head giving me the queue to continue. “I think that there’s a slight possibility that Tom might have seen my hug with Jacks and that’s what upset him and now he is extremely pissed off with me.”

“Now that picky fight makes sense.” Oli pointed out. I fixed my eyes on him. “Well after you guys left for the spa session, Tom wanted to find out in which room you were staying, he had a quick fight with your cousin, I guess.” He looked at Cam, who blushed. “Then, he wanted to see if you were still here and maybe, in his way to here he saw you hugging that Jackson guy. Then he came back to the room in silent mode and went to his room and locked up. When the guys arrived he asked how the receptionist was called and Matt told him, Jackson’s name; after that, he locked up again a half and hour passed and you called and you know the rest.” Oli sighted in relief after finishing his point of view of what happened.

“Thanks, Oli” I smiled at him “That made sorted things out and what was Tom thinking.”

“So, what are you going to do?” Cam asked. “I mean if Tom is how Oli says he is, that means that he is completely falling for you, but since you guys fought there’s no way that you guys will get together in the next forty five minutes,” As a wake up call Oli’s cell started ringing, giving him a queue to leave to do some preparations for the show. Leaving Camille and I to change for the gig, after fifteen minutes we were ready to rock and we still had some spare time.

I recalled I didn’t answered Cam’s question, and made my way to the bathroom to tell her.

“Remember when you asked me what I was going to do?”…. “Well I’ve got a plan to sort it out.”

“¿Me estas jodiendo?”(Are you kidding me?) She asked.

“You just have to wait and see!” I said evilly.

---- Tom’s P.O.V ----

Oli recently left with her purse, I went back and crashed in my bed, not wanting to be in this world, suddenly, the ringtone of the phone brought me from my cloud nine.

“Yo, this is Tom.” I said gloomily.

“Hey, Tom, can you get me Oli, please?” Camille answered.

“Oli is not here, he went to leave Allie’s purse to her- I mean, your room.” I stated indifferently.

“He what?!” She asked surprised.

“Never mind, is Allie there?”

“Yeah she is here”

“Ohm… well I got to get dressed and prepare my camera and stuff.” I really wanted to hang up but since Camille called she has to hang up. “Can you check d she is okay?”

“Oh… I understand, okay” I heard a slight knock from the other line.

“Did Oli arrive?”

“I guess he is here, thanks anyway.” She hung up.

“No problem” I muttered to the dead line.
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I'm uber sorry for how much it took me to post this... pelease I would really appreciate it if someone apart from Jack Brakat commented the story because I don't know if anyone like this story

Here's Allie's and Cam's room:
