This, Was a Thing of Destiny


I stood up and went to do what I told Camille I would be doing, plus I really needed to be at the venue in fifteen minutes to some check ups with the light and adjustments of the camera. I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom to change and put some lotion on. Then, I picked by lenses and started to clean them so the pictures of the live performance promoting BMTH’s new album won’t have unexplained black dots.

I checked my wristwatch and realized I should get going. I stuffed my bag with all the lenses and the camera, quickly shifted my shirt till it looked with no wrinkles, grabbed my bag and dialed Oli’s phone. BIP… BIP… BIP…

“Oli is time to go. Meet me at the reception.” I stated and hung up not waiting for his answer.

I went towards the reception, and thanks God Jackson was nowhere to be seen; I was still pissed off at him, it was crystal clear that he had hots for Allie.

Jealous much? Umm no, who are you? I’m you, moron. You wouldn’t feel pissed off if you were not JEALOUS There’s no way in hell that I’m jealous. You are acting like when you were falling for Ashley That’s bullshit. Let yourself believe that

“Nice shirt, bro.” Oli said strangely happy. “Wonder who design that awesomeness of shirt…”

“Please, don’t be too modest. It’s not like you own the brand of this shirt and design them yourself!” I said sarcastically. “What’s up with you? You are too happy and not drunk. That’s weird.” I started walking towards the exit of ht

“I have my reasons to be happy” He said as he jogged extremely excited to catch up with me.

“Does your reason starts with ‘C’ and ends with ‘amille’?” I said continuing walking.

“It’s Cam, and she might be the reason and she might not be the reason.”

“Stop trying to make the air mysterious!” I opened the door of the cab that was waiting for us with the guys in it. “Hey guys.”

“Tom stop being so monotonous. I know you are still off with that fight you had earlier but you have to be in the mood before the show. If you continue like this you might ruin the coolness of the pictures.” Lee said. I remained silent because I didn’t want to ruin their mood. “You should drink some vodka or something to make you feel better” he said when we arrived to the venue.

“I need to focus when I take the pictures.” I stated simply. “Perhaps at the after party.”

I made my way towards the stage and started to take some pictures of the instruments checking the light and locking the focus and stuff. I knew that my head was somewhere else, and that was the cause why it took me longer than I expected to arrange the things I did in a regular basis for taking the pictures. I knew that she was the cause for it and I hated it. The more I wanted those feelings- I think- to stay away from my life, the more I remembered what happened earlier that day. Some part of me knew that I didn’t meant what I said; but some other said that she was a complete slut and I guess that part was the one that I showed when I told her that.

I know that I’m confused and I regret what I said, but I also know that she won’t forgive me. I feel on the horns of a dilemma, it’s either apologize and face her or apologize and been rejected..

“10 minutes, everybody.” A tech guy said.

“Shit” I mumbled. Suddenly Oli appeared out of the blue, walking dizzily. He came up to me almost tripping over a cable.

“Oy! Tommm wasst up?” he asked. Yep, he was drunk; back to old Oli.

“You are drunk” I stated. “Welcome back.” I smiled at him, he might be drunk but sober he isn’t as fun- well he is fun drunk or sober.

“Here, drink this.” He shoved me a red cup, I looked at him questionably “It’s water.”

I grabbed it and drank it, I was really thirsty, then I felt the alcohol, and like a fire that went through my esophagus. “This is vodka. Is it the Venezuelan? Man that was good.”

“I knoow, yep it s”

“I thought the Revolution would be like, classier.” Some female said, of course she didn’t know that it was for a concert not for a masquerade ball.

“Cam, it’s just for a concert of four other bands. It’s a concert not a party.” I knew that voice and to whom it belonged.

“Did you know that Emarosa are performing?” Camille asked really excited. Her voice was coming louder and louder.

“Yeah, Cam, even if you guys didn’t come I was coming to see them anyway. Look there’s Oli.” A male voice said. “Allie, do you want something to drink?” My blood started to boil; I knew that it was Jackson.

“Sure” She stated happily. I could hear their footsteps fade away.

Camille came into my sight with a smile plastered on her face. “Hey. Tom.”

I took my time because I didn’t know how my voice would sound “Hi.” I barely managed to speak in a lighter tone of voice. Oli was drunk and came over to Cam and kissed her. She immediately kissed back, it was really awkward to watch someone kiss in public or at least I feel really uncomfortable, so I went to find the guys.

“Look who I found.” A female voice said, making me turn around. “Hey, there; remember me?”

------ Allie’s P.O.V. ------

Cam and I went to the reception, where Jacks was waiting for us, I called him when Cam was showering for the 3rd time of the day. She was surprised to see him but smiled to mask her feelings. Jacks was smiling when he saw us. He was wearing a dark blue jean, the black Old Skool Vans, and a grey v-neck shirt, he was looking really handsome in regular clothes and in his uniform but he wasn’t my typ- well he is my type but he isn’t a boyfriend material, how do I know that well it’s a long story and it wouldn’t make sense if I explained right now but just to you guys to know, we used to date until that day came, I know I left a cliffhanger, hope you can bear it.

“Hey, Allie, Cous” He told us. “Ready to go?”

“Yup” I said with a smile.

“Doesn’t it remind of the old times, when you and Jacks were dating?” as those words left Cam’s mouth, I felt the images flow back into my mind.

“Hey, Cous, cupcake.” The blonde eighteen guy told us.”Ready to go?” he asked.

“Yup” my-seventeen- self smiled, as I went toward him to hug him. “Thanks for the tickets, I’m just hoping Linkin Park play ‘What I’ve done’ and ‘Numb’ they are my favorites.”

“You know they are my favorites too, right? It’ll be awesome if the play ‘In the End’.” He looked at me straight in the eye, being a little smaller than he is made me look up. He started leaning to kiss me when Cam said.

“Guys get a room, and remember to use protection.” She said in a flight attendant tone of voice, making me laugh my ass out. “Gosh Allie! It wasn’t that funny.”

“I know it wasn’t, but the way you said it was hilarious. Come on let’s get in the cab.” I said making my way inside the cab where Jackson was waiting for us. He was talking on the phone and he didn’t notice that the door was opened and that he was talking way too loud for me to over hear from outside the cab.

“I love you too”… “We are going to have right after I take Amelie to her house”… “I’m not replacing you with her”… “You know how I love more experienced girls”… “Stop talking like that, you are making me hard.” I froze with those words. Just in time Cam came to the rescue.

“Allie, could you please move? I’m trying to get into the cab.” Cam stated.

“I’m sorry bestie, but I was thinking that the driver won’t see through the rearview mirror, so I thought you could sit at the middle.” I said trying to sound as normal as possible.

“But…” Jackson whined

“Sounds good.” Cam said.

I left her inside the cab and jumped inside it and then closed the door. Cam told the driver where we were heading, I just looked at the building passing through the window trying to process what Jacks said; I suspected he was cheating on me with Caroline, but I couldn’t dump him with any clues. I just didn’t think he was like that, he was so sweet and caring but it seems that it was just a disguise. I just wished I found out tomorrow or yesterday not today, not the day I’m meeting Linkin Park, thanks to Cam. I felt the tears forming in my eyes, and the cab stopped. I stepped outside and walked to towards the entrance, I couldn’t see where I was going but I continued. I nearly tripped over but I managed to continue. Suddenly Jacks was beside me.

“What’s wrong?” He asked lovingly. like you don’t know! I’m upset I found out you are CHEATING on me! YOU jerk

“I’m just excited to see them for the first time” I lied, he just nodded.

[Time lapse]

“That was the best concert ever!” I screamed “and meeting the band was the best thing ever! Hey, Cam, where’s Jackson?”

“Maybe he got lost in the backstage.” I turned and went towards the backstage, it was an easy task to find Jackson but it’s with who I found him. They were in a hot make out session with no clothes down there. I scoffed and glared at them. They looked- he looked like a deer caught in the lights, she just smiled; a very wicked smile I have to say.

“I really hope you have fun fucking that whore. You know what? I didn’t have feelings for you and you won my heart and now you are tossing it like it’s a piece of shit.” I said pretty calmed

“If he chose me then it is.” She stated, she was definitely challenging me.

“I don’t think plastic has a heart so, what are you talking again? I’m way better than you are. I have the brains that aren’t messed by drugs and a body that is made of flesh and bone that my daddy didn’t pay for it, and unlike you I don’t have my legs spread wide open” I said almost spitting venom in my spoken words. “Have a great FUCKING life, Jackson!”

I walked away and that was the last time I ever talked to him.

“Yeah, like a déjà vu” I mumbled.

I remembered that I didn’t tell Cam what really happened. We kept on walking till we got into the limousine like Jacks’ and Cam’s grandfather is rich, he usually let us use the limo. Jackson entered and took a seat that looked towards the door, Cam sat in front of him and I sat in the middle. When we got to the venue all I could think was in the past and my plan.

“Let’s get started!” I screamed when we were in the front door of Revolution. I have my crazy moments sometimes. We went directly backstage to meet the bands that were performing that night.

As we were walking through the backstage Cam and Jacks were talking about stuff the only thing I hear was:

“I thought the Revolution would be like, classier.” Cam complained-

“Cam, it’s just for a concert of four other bands. It’s a concert not a party.” I told her trying to make her see the difference

“Did you know that Emarosa are performing?” Camille asked really excited. She was definitely trying to avoid the subject.

“Yeah, Cam, even if you guys didn’t come I was coming to see them anyway. Look there’s Oli.” Jacks stated. Cam mouthed me ‘Tom is here’ before she took off to see Oli, and it seems that Jackson read her lips. “Allie, do you want something to drink?” He is a pretty intelligent guy-

“Sure” I faked a happily tone and expressed it way to loud for Tom to hear.

We made our way to the drinks table where the bands were. I talked to the guys from Emarosa and this other band I can’t remember their name, they were pretty cool. I heard some guy say one minute and the band I don’t remember their name left the room to go upstage.

“Good luck guys!” I told them before they went upstage. Suddenly, a piercing blue eyes met my gaze at the door, then I looked at him and then at this girl that had her arm around his waist.
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I'm so sorry I didn't post this earlier but the thing is I didn't have internet and now I'm at this thingy we call cyber to post this. In a few minutes I'll post the next chapter. I promise.
here are cam's and jack's clothes
and allie's and tom's clothes:
and drop dead: