Status: *Completed*

Until There Was You

Chapter 1 - Strip Tease

"Dalton! Delaney! You got another job to do! Let's go!" yelled the girl's mean Italian boss, Joey.

"Yeah, Joey. We know the routine. Where are we going?" Beth said, walking to his office door.

"Jonas palace.. somewhere over on 78th street . Take this.. Directions. Hard place to get to." Joey held out a piece of paper. Nikki went to reach for it, but then Joey pulled back his hand.

"Give Joey a kiss." Joey teased, puckering up his lips.

"Just give me the damn paper!" demanded Nikki.

"Screw off.. Come and get it yourself!" Joey said rudely, dropping the paper. Nikki walked over and picked up the paper, just as Joey grabbed her ass. Quickly, Nikki turned around and socked him square in his left eye. Nikki and Beth grabbed their bag and left the building, giggling, hearing Joey yell obscene things.

While getting in the car, Beth commented, "I bet that felt good!"

"Nah. Not really! It felt great!" laughed Nikki. They got into the car and followed the directions written down.

As the girls reached the door to their next appointment, Nikki looked to Beth.

"I swear to God. I'm gonna get out of this business one of these days, even if it kills me."

"Yeah. Right. You know we can't get any job better than this. Two high school drop-outs can't get very far in life these days."

"Yeah. You're right." Nikki agreed while knocking on the door.

As the door opened, the girls looked up and saw a young brown scraggly haired guy.

"Hey. You must be the entertainment! Come on in!" greeted the guy. Both girls walked coolly into the large house and stopped at the edge of the living room. It was decorated with a few balloons, streamers, and a banner, which read 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’

"Umm. Where’s the bathroom?" sweetly asked Nikki, looking around.

"Oh! Right this way." directed the young man. "And can you ladies please hurry up? The birthday boy has been sitting in a chair, blindfolded, for the past 10 minutes and he's starting to get restless."

"Can do!" grinned Nikki. Both girls went into the larger-the-average bathroom and got changed into their clothes. When they were ready, they left the bathroom and headed back to the living room.

As they returned, the same young man who opened the door asked nervously "I've never really done this before, so. Do I pay you now?"

"Well, that would be nice. But it's your choice. Pay us now or pay us later, just as long as we get paid." Beth explained.

"Oh. Ok. Well, thanks for coming to this get together for my little brother Nick who's finally legal for booze and babes, set up by me." said the guy proudly.

"Yeah right, Joe!" Greg Garbowski slurred, as he chucked an empty beer can at Joe's head.

"Ow, ya bastard!" Joe complained, as he rubbed his head.

"So, we gonna get this party started?" Nick interrupted.

"Oooh. Anxious little one, aren't ya?" purred Beth.

"Well, he IS a Jonas!" said Kevin, a bit drunk. It was obvious that the guys had been drinking before the girls arrived.

"Is this thing gonna start on my 22nd birthday or what?" complained Nick.

"Alright, alright! Calm down, birthday boy!" smirked Joe.

"Ok then. Let's get this party started!" smiled Nikki, starting the music. The girls, then, began slightly teasing Nick, giving him a double lap dance.

"Well, Beth, I can see that you've got this one under control, so how about I help out the birthday boys older brother?" giggled Nikki, eyeing Joe.

"Hey! Wait a minute. I'm his older brother too!" whined Kevin.

"Yeah. Well, she was talking about the cute one, Kevin." Joe glared. "Plus, you've got a wife!"

"But I want a woman too!" said Kevin, sadly.

"Too bad, so sad!" teased Joe, while grabbing Nikki by the waist. "Maybe we can call 'em on your birthday."

As Beth grinded into Nick's package, he grabbed her waist with his strong hands. After a few seconds, Beth could feel the young man getting hard beneath her. As this was all happening with Nick and Beth, Nikki straddled Joe, wrapping her legs around the back of the chair. After working pelvis to pelvis for a few seconds, the older boy let out an angelic moan.

Missing out on all the action and the lack of women, Greg and Kevin stood up, ready to leave.
"Well, guys. And ladies. We’re checking out. I must get back to my wife. ok? Are you even listening? Hello? Joe?!" said Kevin, stumbling to the door, a bit aggravated.

"Yeah, yeah! Whatever." Joe said, distracted.

"See ya." said Greg, as both guys exited.

"So. Do you girls want a drink?" panted Joe, between breaths.

"That'd be great.,” said Nikki.

A drink turned into many drinks and the rest of the night was a blur.

The next morning, Nikki woke up in the silk-sheeted bed she had a night of bliss on a few hours before. As she propped herself on her elbows, a line of pain thrusted into her head.

"Oh god.." groaned the young stripper. She looked around to find her best friend in the adjacent room, along side the young birthday boy her friend entertained. Nikki looked the other way and saw the guy who had given her such an erotic workout. Nikki slowly crawled over the lustful boy she'd been paired up with, happily. Before sneaking into the adjacent bedroom.

"Beth." whispered Nikki, to her friend. Nikki placed her hand on Beth's shoulder and slightly shook her.

"Beth. Get up. C'mon." continued Nikki. As Beth raised her head to see Nikki, she closed her eyes and fell back onto the pillow.

"Any idea what happened last night?" questioned Beth.

"Not exactly, but I have a good guess." observed Nikki.

As Beth went to get out of the bed, Nick shifted a bit and went to grab her side, but instead placed her in a head lock.

"Nikki. Nikki! Help!" giggled Beth, a bit full of panic. Nikki turned around to see what her friend was whispering loudly about.

"Oh Jesus, Beth!" Nikki laughed silently. "What did you do now?"

"I didn't do it! He put me in a head lock!" Beth whispered as she struggled to get free.

"Well, let's get ya out of there, then." said Nikki, still laughing. Slowly and gracefully, the two girls managed to pry Nick's grip on Beth's head without waking him.

Nikki gathered her clothes and dressed quickly. Beth sighed and scooted to the end the bed, also gathering her clothes, which had been thrown in various parts of the bedroom.

"Did me and you...." asked Beth, pointing to the boys.

"Definitely not!"

When both girl's were finally dressed, they snuck out of the house. They reached the car and drove back to their run down apartment complex.
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Enjoy my newest story and as always reviews are greatly appreciated!