Status: *Completed*

Until There Was You

Chapter 10 - Nothing Is As It Seems

“Hey wait up!” Joe called out to Nikki as he caught up with her but she didn‘t stop.

“Joe it’s ok go back with your family. Beth and I will be fine on our own and we’ll call you when we have the babies so you two can sign over your rights or make arrangements for visitation. It’s up to you. But I am not going to be the reason for your family feud so I think it’s best if we don’t see each other anymore.”

"No, don't do this to me just because of what my dad says" Joe replied gripping tightly to Nikki's hand as she continued to walk briskly away

"Joe, I just think it would be best. I don't want to be attached to someone whose Father thinks I'm worthless" Nikki said letting her hand slip out of Joe's grip

"Beth - wait" Nick yelled from a couple feet behind Joe as he ran to catch up to her.

"You can't just leave" Nick pleaded, grabbing her arm and forcing her to stop in her tracks and look at him.

“I can just leave and besides everything’s fine. Nikki and I can take care of ourselves we never wanted to grow attached to you guys, we just wanted to let you know about your kids and we did that. Besides your Dad likes Lily better and I ruined everything that you had with her. So we'll just be on our way" Beth affirmed looking away. Nick tugged on her arm forcing her to look back at him.

"No, I'm not letting you leave to take care of that baby on your own! I'm going to be here right by your side through everything.” Nick persisted, while keeping his grip on her arm as he pointed to her stomach with his other hand.

Beth and Nikki glanced at each other than back at the boys. They released a long sigh and gave them a simple head nod.

“Come on, lets go back home” Joe announced, putting his arm around Nikki’s shoulder and leading her to the car. Nick grabbed Beth’s hand and followed silently behind Joe and Nikki.


Things were going well for the four newfound friends after the girls moved in, they were getting along and learning about each other everyday. It was a happy time in each of their lives until about a month later. A few days before Valentine’s Day to be exact.


Nikki entered the bedroom she shared with Joe, humming a cheerful tune to herself. Once she took three steps into the room, her heart dropped, but remained calm. A naked Joe turned quickly and gasped.

"Nikki!" Joe yelled out, jumping off the girl and then the bed. Nikki backed out the door and closed it. Joe got on some pants, forgetting his underwear, shirt and shoes and ran after her. She walked quickly downstairs and headed for the door.

She could hear Joe calling her name, but continued towards the door.

"Nikki.. please! Wait.. you don't understand!" cried Joe.

"No, Joe. No need to explain. It's not like I'm your wife or girlfriend or anything. It's ok." lied Nikki, forcing a smile and a laugh. Nikki seemed to be calm, but inside.. she was bleeding.

She wanted to cry, to scream.. but remained to look like she didn't care about anything Joe did.

"Nikki! Stop!" begged Joe.

Nikki did as he said and told him, "What, Joe? There's nothing you need to say to me!"

"But there is! I'm so sorry, Nikki." apologized Joe, getting tears in his eyes.

"Sorry for what? Sorry for screwing some teenie? Some groupie?! Maybe some other stripper?! In our bed?! Oh.. silly me! Your bed. Your house. Sorry for what, Joe?!" Nikki blew up, also beginning to get teary, herself.

Joe was lost. He had nothing to match what she had just said.

"I'm carrying a heavy load, I don't know what to do, the only thing I know, is I'm in love with you, oh.." Out of those gorgeous lips came an angelic singing voice that Nikki loved in her early teens and which came to know she still loved it.

"Oh.. God damn you, Joe." cried Nikki, dropping her shopping bags and falling to her knees.

"I'm so sorry.. oh God. I'm so sorry." Joe sobbed, dropping next to Nikki. He went to hug Nikki, but Nikki started slapping him. Joe grabbed her and held onto her and rocked back and forth. Nikki stopped swinging and just cried.

Nikki never thought that she would feel this way. Her emotion's were being released out of her, unable to stop them. She never thought she would fall this hard for Joe. She knew that they weren't going to have a relationship but all of the days that they spent together leading up to this moment seemed to have came so fast.

She tried to steady her breathing as Joe rocked her back and forth in his arms. Still keeping a tight grip around her not wanting to let her go.

"Nikki I'm truly sorry for everything. Please.” Joe hesitated before continuing. “Just please don't hate me that's all I ask of you" Joe confessed as a tear began to slid down his cheek.

"Joe, I could never hate you." Nikki stated as her breathing became steady.

"Well maybe you should hate me, I was fooling around with another girl in the same bed you share with me and where our baby was conceived." Joe quickly noted as he rubbed Nikki’s baby bump slightly.

"Yeah I know but it's not like we're an couple, so you can do whatever or whoever you want." Nikki said with hesitation.

"I know I want you and I'm not going to do anything to ever hurt you again" Joe said lifting Nikki up off of her feet, hugging her. Then set her back down. “With that being said, I’d like to make our situation a little more permanent.”

“What? Why?” Nikki asked in an almost panicked tone as she began backing away from Joe.

“Because you just made me realize that I haven’t done right by you yet. It’s partially my fault that your having a baby.” Joe cleared his throat “My baby and the right thing to do is marry you.” Joe grasped Nikki’s hand as he looked deeply into her eyes. “Marry me Nikki.”

Nikki’s eyes got wide after hearing Joe’s request.

“No… I can’t,” Nikki muttered as she turned and bolted away from Joe, while he stood there dumbfounded at what had just happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Seems Joe wants to make things right but Nikki's afraid. How do you think things will turn out for the two of them? Good or bad? let me know what you thought. I have also updated several of my other stories on here. Ties That Bind, Haunted Past, and The Price Of Your Soul, check them out if you have a minute. Thank you to everyone who has been reading and reviewing it means so much to me. Any questions? just ask and I will respond.

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