Status: *Completed*

Until There Was You

Chapter 11 - Mistakes Were Made

Joe ran his fingers through his hair, frustration was taking over his body. He stormed through the front door without bothering to close the door. He looked up and saw Nick and Beth entering the room smiling, just then their smiles faded when they caught sight of a frazzled Joe.

"Joe, what's going on?" Nick stated

"Where's Nikki?" Beth asked as she walked away and began searching around in the adjacent rooms before meeting face to face with Joe once more.

Beth adverted her eyes to the girl walking down the stairs she had on mini shorts, her butt cheeks were hanging out and a tight top causing her breast to poke out of the side.

"That was fun Joey, maybe we can do it again - without any distractions." She replied brushing lightly against Joe.

"Get the hell out, Dani!" Joe yelled pointing to the already opened door.

“Don’t know what’s gotten into you, - you certainly weren’t saying that to me earlier when we were in bed together, but whatever it’s your loss! You‘ll be back in my bed, just like you always are.” She turned on her heel and walked out of the door, without looking back.

"Joe what the hell did you do?" Nick shouted getting into Joe's face.

Joe had so much anger hidden inside of himself right now he didn't know what to do at this point. He wanted to just break down and cry, but on the other hand he just wanted to just hide away from everybody.

"Joe, what did you do to Nikki?" Beth asked

"I cheated on her ok, we tried talking it over and I thought that I could make it better by asking her to marry me, but she ran away from me instead." Joe explained then walked away gripping onto the railing and heading upstairs without another word.


Beth and Nick sat in the living room with weary looks on there faces, just as they were getting ready to have a discussion of their own relationships future - the door bell rang.

"I'll go get it." Nick said getting up from Beth's side to go answer the door.

Nick had walked to the door not knowing that behind those wood oak doors stood Lily, his Ex-fiancé.

"L-lily what are you doing here?" Nick said in a state of shock

"Hey Nicky baby. I came back for you of course. Why else would I be here?" Lily stated as she scooted closer to Nick.

"So, how is my baby doing? I see your staying fit. Looking good." Lily said gripping on tight to his firm muscles.

"Yeah, I'm doing great." Nick said with hesitation constantly looking over his shoulder for any sign of Beth.

"Nick, I can't wait for you to come back with me." Lily said grasping hold of Nick's arm, smiling widely.

“Come back with you? Lil, we broke up.” Nick pushed her hand off of his arm.

“I still don’t understand why you even broke off our engagement and three days before the wedding - I might add!”

“Look, I had my reasons!” Nick answered coldly.

“Why did you have your Mother end it with me? What kind of man are you?” Lily spat angrily at Nick.

Beth who was standing just around the corner listening to their conversation, had heard enough when she heard the girl at the door practically insult Nick. She made her way around the corner and up to Nick’s side making her presence known.

“For your information he’s a very good man!” Beth piped in.

“I can’t..” Nick began to say but was cut off by the sudden freak out Lily started.

“What? Who is this - person?” Lily gestured at the stranger in front of her.

“Beth,” Nick replied glancing to Beth, before looking back at Lily.

“What is a Beth?” Lily questioned while giving Nick a dirty look.

Nick looked down at Beth and smiled before answering “My new girlfriend.”

“New girlfriend? There’s no way! She’s pregnant for God’s sake, - what are you honey about eight months pregnant?” Lily spoke with high sarcasm dripping from her voice.

“No, only five months right now.” Beth looked down at her stomach, smiling as she rubbed her baby bump.

“Shouldn‘t you be with the Father of your baby, home wrecker?” Lily put her hands on her hips

“Oh, of course.” Beth replied smiling

“So, go back to him then!”

“I did. He makes me really happy. We can’t wait to meet our child.” Beth replied still rubbing her baby bump.

“Wait, who is the Father of your kid anyways?” Lily folded her arms in front of her, not liking how the scene was unfolding in front of her.

Nick grasped Beth’s free hand as he held it and responded to his ex- fiancé’s next question.

“I am.” Nick answered proudly as he and Beth looked at each other and smiled.

“What?! Oh, hell no your not! The only way that equation is possible is if you cheated on me five months ago.” Lily screeched which caused Nick and Beth to cringe.

“I did. I’m really sorry. Joe had this brained schemed idea to throw this booze and stripper filled 21 st birthday party for me and I guess I had too much to drink, I don’t remember much about that night. Until Beth and her friend found Joe and I a few months ago and told us about the babies. So, you see I had no choice but to end it with you and do right by my child and be with it’s Mother.” Nick explained.

“You - you cheated on me with a whore? I bet you aren’t even that things Father.” Lily yelled while gesturing to Beth’s stomach.

“I don’t appreciate your accusations. That is my child, I would prefer you not insult him or her.” Nick spoke defensively.

“Why would you even do that to me? I gave you everything you ever wanted and this is how you repay me? You cheat on me with a tramp who probably screws all her clients!” Lily accused.

“She isn’t like that.” Nick’s voice rose in anger.

“I bet she’s only after you for your money. Baby I only wanted you, I never cared about anything else but you. I would never lie to you or use you for my own personal gain!” Lily’s voice began to rise in anger at her last statement, making sure to direct it right at Beth.

“Lily, I really think you need to leave now. Thanks for stopping by.” Nick said as he slammed the door in Lily’s face.

“This isn’t over! That slut’s lying and I will get my man back!” Lily shouted through the door.

Beth and Nick walked back into the living room, still hand in hand as Nick guided her to the couch, both taking a seat and faced each other. So much had just happened between the fight Joe and Nikki had and now Lily showing up out of nowhere. It was imminent that they should discuss their future and decide what needed to happen next on this roller coaster ride.
♠ ♠ ♠
Now Lilly has finally confronted Nick and met Beth. Things didn't go over very well but how do you think things will go for these two couples? Thank you for reading this story so far, it means a lot to me. I'd love to hear your thoughts, please leave a comment.

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