Status: *Completed*

Until There Was You

Chapter 3 - Just Another Day On The Job

(Early January)

"Dalton! Delaney! C'mon. Let’s go! More slave labor!" called Joey.

"Yeah, yeah! We know the drill. Same old', same old" Beth replied.

"Here's the directions, now get out of here!" Joey instructed, holding a piece of paper towards the two girls.

Nikki reached out for the paper and Joey dropped it onto his desk.

Nikki glared at Joey and said, "I wouldn't try that again, Joey. Remember what happened last time?"

"Whatever. Take it." snorted Joey, picking up the paper and placing it in Nikki's hands.

"Thank you.." Nikki said sweetly, walking out the door. "Scum bag.."

"Got the bag?" asked Beth, acting retarded.

"Already in the car." Nikki nodded.

Both girls quickly got into their car and began following the directions. After about a 10 minute drive, the girls arrived at their destination.

"Another day of our life wasted." said Nikki, slightly depressed.

"Yeah, I know. But as long as we got a roof over our head, food in our belly, and clothes on our back, it's a job we need to stick with." secured Beth.

Nikki sighed, nodded, then knocked.

When the door open, a wave of light hit the girls faces and a friendly looking guy greeted them with a smile.

"Hey! The entertainment's here!" yelled the young man over his shoulder.

"Yeah.. that's us!" smirked Nikki.

"I sure hope so." muttered the mature curly haired guy, eyeing the two girls up and down.

"So we gonna perform outside or do we get it come in?" teased Beth.

"Oh! Of course! Come in, please!" apologized the guy, slapping his forehead.

The two girls stepped into the warm house and took a look around.

"Bathroom?" Nikki asked in a sweet tone. At that moment, the young man whipped his head around and look at Nikki with a confused face. Nikki looked back at him with the same face.

"What's wrong? Don't you have a bathroom?" kidded Nikki.

"Yeah.. of course. Ha.. it's right over there. Second door." laughed the guy. The two girls went into the large bathroom and changed quickly.

They opened the door, ready to dance. When Beth said, "There's something familiar about this place."

"Yeah, well.. A lot of bachelor parties are the same." Nikki figured.

The two girls looked around once again, and saw another young brown curly haired guy in a wooden chair, blindfolded.

"So, I'm guessing this would be the bachelor." whispered Beth, into the curly haired guy's ear.
"Y.. yeah! That's me, alright!" smiled the bachelor.

"Well, we've got a looovely present for you." teased Nikki. Both girls, then, began giving the young bachelor a lap dance. As Nikki continued to pleased the bachelor, she looked to her left and noticed the older scraggly haired guy looked neglected. Nikki stood up, walked gracefully over to him, and asked "Want some company?"

"I'd love some." smiled the brown eyed guy. Nikki softly sat on his lap, and straddled the chair, as well as him. As they began to grind each other, Nikki started to softly kiss his neck.

On the other hand, 2 feet away, on another chair, Beth and the muscular curly haired guy, were grinded away. As this was happening the guy grabbed her by the waist with his strong hands, a familiar touch surprised Beth. She continued to work, but looked over to her friend.

Nikki continued to work on her buddy, not noticing Beth's look.

"Hey Joe.. look's like you're having a good time." teased the even older curly haired guy, who answered the door.

"Shut.. Up, Kevin." Joe panted.

As Nikki heard the names, she shot a look at Beth, with wide eyes. She looked down at the boy's face as he let out an angelic moan.

Nikki gasped slightly and looked over at her friend, with big eyes. Beth, with the same look on her face, eyed towards the bathroom. At that moment, Nikki quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. Joe jumped, a bit shocked and said, "What's wrong? What's going on? You guys OK?" as Beth reached the bathroom.

Nikki, then, shut and locked the door. As Nick, still blindfolded, reached out for Beth, he fell sideways onto his hip. He gasped, not knowing what happened. He quickly got up and ran towards his brother's voice.

"Ugh!" grunted Nick, while falling on his ass, due to running into the bathroom door.

"Will someone PLEASE get this damn thing off me?!" yelled Nick, in a pissed off tone, while tugging at the blindfold.

"Nick.. will you quit fooling around? There's something wrong with the two chicks!" complained Joe.

"Well, help me out of this thing and we'll see what we can do!" Nick explained, pointing to the blindfold. Joe leaned down to help his younger brother out of the blindfold.

"Ah.. my hair.. OW! Watch it!" Nick complained.

"Quit your whining. Do you want this thing off or not?" demanded Joe. After that, Joe finally freed Nick's eyes.

"Thank you vveerryy much!" thanked Nick, while standing up. Joe, then, knocked on the door.

"Hey! You girls alright in there?" questioned Joe, knocking slightly.

Inside the bathroom, the two girls whispered silently to each other.

"What are we gonna do??" Beth whispered, full of panic.

"I don't know.. umm.." silently commented Nikki, looking around.

As the girls continued to talk about their plan of escaping, they continued to hear the knocking at the bathroom door.

"Do you think we should tell them?" Beth considered.

"Well, we gotta tell them sometime, don't we?" shrugged Nikki.

"But how?" thought Beth.

"Come right out and tell them, I guess. That's the only way we can do it." figured Nikki.

“I’m scared, what if they laugh in our faces and send us away. We’ll be raising their kids alone.” Beth said sensibly but with a hint of fear in her voice.

“We’ve been waiting three months for this chance, we finally find them and now we’re going to back out of this and never tell them about our situations? We are not going anywhere until they know about their babies. If they turn us away - we’ll deal with it at that time and think of plan B.” Nikki replied.
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Things are really heating up. Let Nikki and I know what you thought of this chapter. We love hearing from the readers on what you think.

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