Status: *Completed*

Until There Was You

Chapter 4 - A Secret Revealed

From outside the door, they could hear the two boys compromising.

"If you two don't open this door and tell us what's going on, I'm gonna..... don't make me come in there!" said Nick.

"Yeah.. really.. don't make him come in there.. yeah.. cause he will!" said Joe, smiling.

"Alright.. since this isn't working, I say.. on the count of 3, we bust the door down." concluded Nick.

"Ok.. ready.. 1.. 2.." counted Joe. As the boys counted 3, Nikki quickly opened the door, ready to tell the boys what she knew.

"Uhh.." sounded the two young men, falling face down, on the bathroom floor.

"I'm just having the best night!" Nick said sarcastically, while standing up. Joe then stood up and shut the bathroom door. For a moment, the two boys and the two girls stared at each other in silence.

"Now, are you two gonna tell us what's going on?" asked Joe.

"I.. we.. uhh uhh.. yeah.. we're.." stuttered Nikki. "Do you remember us from his birthday party?" Nikki gestured at Nick.

"Oh! Hey! Yeah.. I thought I recognized you!" Joe realized.

"And do you remember what happened that night?" Nikki asked slowly.

Joe blushed and replied, "Not really.."

"Ok.. well.. we had sex.." Nikki revealed looking into Joe‘s chocolate eyes, hoping for a sign that he remembered her.

"Oh!! Uhh.. really? Whoa.. sweet.." Joe said, slightly excited.

"Did I have sex too?!" asked Nick, looking at Beth. Beth smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, baby! Who's the pimp now?? Who gets all the women in heat? Who gets more booty than a toilet seat? It's me! It's me!" Nick rapped. Joe put his hand over his brother's mouth.

"No.. you're busted.. you're busted.. you were dating Lily three months ago.. and you're getting married to her this weekend, so I wouldn't be too happy, sir." reminded Joe. Nick slapped his forehead.

"Anyways.." Nikki said loudly, to grab the boys attention. "Do you guys know that sometimes the aftermath of sex could be pregnancy." Both boys suddenly turned their heads toward the two girls.

"Huh?" The boys turned to the girls with wide eyes.

"You mean.. I.. me.. you're.. no.." Joe stuttered, at a total loss of words.

"I'm sorry.. I'm lost here.. what? I was still thinking of that night.. ya know.. I can't wait til my next birthd.." Nick started to say until Joe cut him off.

"They're trying to tell us they're pregnant, moron." interrupted Joe, sitting on the toilet.

"No, Joe… they're not. Who's the moron now? Right.. you guys aren't really.." Nick said pointed to his stomach.

"No.. they're not fat, they're pregnant.." Joe kidded half heartily, trying to lighten the mood.

At that second, Nick backed up to the wall and slid to the floor.

"I'm having a kid with a girl and I don't even know her name.." Nick said, shaking his head in disbelief.

Beth laughed slightly and told him, "My name is Beth.."

"And I remember you told me your name... Noel, right?" Joe said, looking up at Nikki.

"Close.. it's Nikki."

"Oh.. sorry.. I should have known that" apologized Joe, bowing his head.

"And you guys don't have to worry.. we won't tell a soul and we'll take care of the babies, if that's how you want it. I mean, this job pays good, and it never gets out of hand.. well, that was the first night that it got out of hand.... not that I'm complaining.." Beth smiled at Nick and he blushed.

"Well, I just have to think about this.. I just.. I need time.." Joe muttered, while walking out the door.

"You didn't have to think about having sex with me.." Nikki said, under her breath, so no one could hear.

"So.. Beth.. was I good?" Nick asked, while getting pulled out of the room.

Nikki stood there for a moment, then looked out the bathroom door to see if the boys were gone.

"Ok... that was interesting.." sighed Nikki.

"Oh man.. you know it!" agreed Beth.

Both girls left the bathroom and quickly got their bag. As they were gathering their stuff, ready to run out of the house, they heard a voice that made them both jump.

"Ya girls leaving so soon?" asked Kevin, a little drunk.

"Yup.. guess we gave them enough for the night.." said Nikki, reaching for the door handle of the front door.

"Well, where's ours?" smirked Greg, slurring a bit. Just as he said that, he grabbed Beth around the waist and tugged her onto his lap.

"I'd love to, really.. but we gotta get going.." Beth smiled, getting up.

"No no.. I think I deserve a little kiss from you.." Greg tugged Beth back onto his lap.

"Fine.. that's acceptable." Beth, then, gave Greg a little kiss on the cheek and began to get up and once again, Greg pulled her back onto his lap.

"Hmm.. now I may want a little more." laughed Greg.

"Ok, Mr. Garbowski.. I think it's time for them to get going now.." said Kevin, jokingly, with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"No, Kev.. it is tiiiiime for me to have as much fun as your dear ol' brothers did.. c'mon baby.." protested Greg. Beth struggled to get out of the strong arms of the man who was holding her on his lap.

Nikki ran to the recliner to help her best friend. "Hey! Let her go.. Jesus.." Both girls slightly fought the man to released the grip around Beth's waist.

"Let her go, jerk!" yelled Nikki.

Beth started to scream boldly and loudly. "Let.. me.. GOOO! HELP!"

Suddenly, Greg stood up, grabbed Beth by the shoulders, and began to shake her violently, while yelling at her. "Listen to me, you little whore! Give me what I want!" Out of nowhere, Greg hit Beth across the face. It came in hard contact with Beth and she fell to the floor. A split second later, Greg hit the floor as well. Beth whimpered and looked up to find Nick continuing to beat and hit Greg.

"Don't you ever.. ever.. hit another woman.. especially a pregnant woman." yelled Nick, with fire in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, man.. I didn't know.. I'm sorry!!" pleaded the bloody man. From behind, Joe grabbed his little brother and dragged him away, to minimize the damage to Greg.

"Nick.. Nick! Calm it down a tone.. it's alright.. I got this." Joe said, in a soothing tone. Joe helped Greg to his feet and sat him on the love seat. "Listen.. Greg.. that was way the hell out of line.. totally uncalled for.. what the hell were you thinking?" Joe's voice started to rise.

"I.. I.. I'm sorry.. I'm drunk and.. I'm sorry.." Greg said.

"Drunk? Drunk?! What a pathetic excuse!" snorted Nick, folding his arms.

Joe agreed. "Yeah.. that's no damn reason to hit any woman.. Ya know.." Joe sighed. "Kev.. I think it's time you take your friend home."

"Yeah.. yeah.. me too.." Kevin agreed, standing up.

Greg stood up, clutching his rib cage. While heading out the door, he eyed Beth and said, "I'll be seein' ya.." Greg, then, looked back at Nick, who was slowly rising from his seat. Nick stared at Greg and he bowed his head in shame, as well as in fright.

"Whore.." said Greg under his breath, heading out the door quickly. With that last statement, Nikki blew up. She ran out the door, took a grip of Greg's hair, and pulled his head back. She took the advantage to hit him in the face a few times before Joe ran out and pried her off him.

"Have some control, woman!" Joe laughed.

"Hell, I guess I won't have to kick your ass anymore. I'll just call over Nikki from now on."
Nick teased, harshly.

The four remaining people laughed, as they went back into the warm house.
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What did you think about this revealing chapter, now the boys know. What do you think will happen next for the two couples. Comments are loved. Let Nikki and I know what you think. Thanks for reading so far, it means so much to the two of us.

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