Status: *Completed*

Until There Was You

Chapter 5 - Realizations

"Thanks for the.. umm.. interesting night, but we gotta get going.." said Nikki, hiding her grief with a laugh.

"Yeah.. my stomach is acting up a bit and.." Beth said quietly.

"Wait, you two can’t leave” Joe started to say he had to think of something quick to say, to at least try to get the girls to stay. “Would you ladies like to stay here tonight. I mean.. think of it as payback for last time, since you both ditched us before we could pay you. But hey! Check this pad out. Oh! And I promise we‘ll keep our hands to ourselves, you guys can even have our beds! We'll take the couch!!" Joe said, sweetly.

"What?! The couch?? But.." pouted Nick.

"Shut up, Nick.. this is someone who's having your kid.. support her and give her the damn bed." Joe explained quietly.

"No, no.. we'll have the couch." Nikki smiled

Joe smiled. "So you'll stay?!"

"Sure.. why not." Nikki shrugged, still smiling.

"Yes! Great! Yay!" Joe wrapped his strong arms around Nikki and lifted her off the floor.

"Eek!" squealed Nikki.

"Well, umm.. you girls ok with having the couch? For sure?.." Nick asked, looking into Beth's eyes.

Beth blushed and looked at the ground. "Yup.. the couch is great."

"Ok Joe.. you can put me down now!" Nikki whispered into Joe‘s ear.

"Oh! Right.. sorry." laughed Joe, placing Nikki on the carpet, softly.

"Well, I guess we'll all start fresh tomorrow and talk about.. everything." chimed Nick.

"Sounds.. perfect.." Nikki replied, eyeing Joe.

Joe blushed, looked to the side, at Nick.

"We'll see you two in the morning." Nick said, while heading to the stair case.

Joe nodded, stepped forward towards Nikki, stepped back, looked at the ground, scratched his head, then finally walked to Nikki, and gave her the first real hug between them.

By the time Joe actually got around to giving Nikki a hug, Nick was upstairs, going into his bedroom.

Joe ran upstairs as fast as he could, into his bedroom, and got some extra blankets, pillows, and some pajamas. He ran back downstairs again to give the two girls the comforters and feather-filled pillows. He handed the sleeping aids to the girls, moved the coffee table, and folded out the couch.

"Here's some pajama's for you. Umm, if there's any trouble at all, my bedroom is right there." Joe pointed up to a door that was closest to a full-length mirror.

"I'll make a note of that." Nikki replied slightly smiling.

"Ooook, boys and girls. Time for bed.." Beth teased, nudging Nikki.

"Ha.. right. Well, see ya in the morning.." Joe began. "Oh! And promise me one thing.."

"And what's that?" Nikki asked, biting her lip.

"Don't leave in the morning, or even tonight. Just.. be here tomorrow.. please." Joe said, looking down.

"I promise.." smiled Nikki, securely. Joe didn't say another thing. He just smiled, turned around, walked up the stairs, reached his bedroom door, looked down at Nikki, who was staring up at him, smiled, and went into his bedroom.

The girls placed the two pillows next to each other and put one blanket on top of the other. Nikki walked over to the front door and turned a knob, which lower the lights. They changed quickly and got on the couch, covered themselves with the blankets, and fell asleep fast.

While all that was going on downstairs, Nick was up in his bedroom, laying on his bed, the light still on. He sighed and sat up. He looked on his bedside nightstand at a picture of his fiancée, Lily and him. It was a picture of them, smiling like it was the happiest moment of their lives. Together, cheek to cheek. He needed help. He need someone to talk to. He picked up his phone, which was right next to the picture. He dialed the number and waited. It rang twice and a man answered.

"Hello?" answered the man.

"Hey.. Dad.. it's Nick." Nick said gravely.

"Oh.. hey son! What's up? You don't sound too happy." Kevin, Sr said, concerned for his son.

"Well.. it's kind of a long story." explained Nick.

"I've always got time. Nothing to do! I'm an old man.. what can I do?" joked Kevin, Sr, trying to lighten the mood.

"Ok.. if you insist." Nick went on to explain the situation he was dealing with, leaving out the detail of how he had really met Beth and the fact that she was a stripper . Kevin, Sr was always a good listener, as well as a good helper. Nick, as well as everyone, could count on him for good advice and being there when needed most. As Nick rounded up the story, Kevin, Sr asked a simple question, but the question wasn't so simple to answer. At least, most people thought so.

"Uh huh.. ok.. let me ask you something. Are you in love with Lily?" Kevin, Sr asked, straight forward.

"Well... yeah." shrugged Nick. "But I just found out I'm gonna be a Father.. with another girl! And I'm sort of torn between them. I love Lily, but I don't want to leave Beth with a child that is also my responsibility right now."

"Who do you care to be with more? You and I both know you have to choose just one." declared Kevin, Sr, smartly.

"I've known Lily for a year.. been with her 6 and a half months. But, I was only with Beth for one night." observed Nick, a bit flustered.

"I understand, son. But I gotta tell ya.. leaving a child without a Father isn't the best thing to do." admitted Kevin, Sr.

"I know.. you're right Dad, like always. I think.. no. I know.. I'm gonna be with Beth. Yeah.. that's it." concluded Nick.

"You've made the right decision, son. At least I think so. And I'm proud of you." complimented Kevin, Sr.

"Dad?" called Nick.

"Yeah?" answered Kevin, Sr.

"Thanks." smiled Nick.

"Anytime, son.. anytime." nodded Kevin, Sr.

"You know.. Beth is beautiful and sweet. Her eyes just draw you in.. you'll have to meet her sometime." explained Nick.

"I'm sure I will, sooner or later." promised Kevin, Sr.

"One more thing. Umm.. how do I break it to Lily?? You know she gets pretty physical. I'm scared, man! She'll tear me apart!" joked Nick, but staying on a serious level.

Kevin, Sr laughed whole heartedly "Yeah.. I'll have your Mother give her a call. Would that be easier?"

"Yes!" yelled Nick. "Tell Mom I love her!"

"Alright, Nick, alright. It's getting late. You should get some rest. It seems you've had a long night. I love you, son." said Kevin, Sr, securing his son.

Nick nodded and told his Dad, "I love you too, Dad. Night."

"Goodnight" said Kevin, Sr, hanging up the phone. Nick hung up too and smiled in appreciation of his Father. Nick turned out his light, laid down, and fell asleep within 10 minutes. It had been a long night.
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What did you think of Nick's decision? Thanks for reading and Nikki and I love to read what you guys think.