Status: *Completed*

Until There Was You

Chapter 8 - Amazed

"Oh.. my.. god!" stuttered Nikki.

"What?! What is it?!" said Joe, jogging to Nikki. Nick stood there for a split second and then also began to jog over to them. The two young men looked at them with concerned faces.

"Beth?? Beth.. you alright? What's wrong?" said Nick, panicky.

"Noth.. nothing. It's just.." Beth pointed up. "Your house is so.. big."

Nick and Joe sighed in relief.

"You guys wanna see it all from the inside?" wondered Joe.

"Hell.. we'll get lost! Forget it!" kidded Nikki.

"We'll give you the ultimate tour.. Joe can take Nikki.. and I can take Beth.. unless you wanna change partners.." Nick suggested jokingly.

"No.. no.. that arrangement is great.." nodded Joe, grabbing Nikki's hand.

"Yup.. I'd say so.." agreed Nick, taking Beth's hand for the first time.

Beth was shocked and just stood there smiling.

"Well, we'll start at the bottom.. and you can start at the top.." thought Joe.

"Alright.. see ya later, guys." Nick dragged Beth quickly into the house.

"Ready?" smiled Joe.

"Ready!" grinned Nikki.

The two brothers took their new, but old acquaintances on a tour to not just show the girls the house, but get to know them a little better.

As Joe was showing Nikki the second floor, he asked questions such as what she would do with a million dollars, what name she had planned for their child, discussed his ideas for names, and came to another interesting question.

"If you had one wish, what would it be?" asked Joe, interested.

"Hmm.. well, honestly.. to be able to live without stripping.. I just wanna get out of that business.." concluded Nikki, staring at the ground.

"Your wish is my command!" said Joe, thinking.

Meanwhile, on the fourth floor, Nick was discussing the idea of stripping to Beth.

"No Nick.. believe me! You don't wanna strip!" warned Beth, being only half serious.

"But I've got a whole routine ready and everything!" complained Nick.

"Ha.. right! I'd believe it! Well, if I was able to just support myself without having to strip, I would've never even thought twice about quitting it.." said Beth, getting serious.

"Hmm.." mumbled Nick, as they went down to the third floor.

Nick and Beth saw Nikki and Joe were also on the third floor.

Right as Joe noticed Nick, he said, "Nick! I need to talk to you!" Joe pushed Nick into a door which lead to the third floor TV room, quickly shutting the door.

"Ok.. let me just say this! I want Nikki to move in!" Joe spoke quickly.

"Right on! Cause.. well.. I want Beth to move in." Nick was relieved.

"We've got more than enough room.. plus, I'm not to comfortable with the fact that Nikki and Beth have to strip to live in a small apartment." admitted Joe.

"And I bet Mom and Dad would make us do it anyway, since they are having our kids." figured Nick. They continued to talk for a matter of minutes about house arrangements and stuff like that.

"What did you do now, Nikki?" asked Beth, looking at the door that the two boys went into.

"Wha.. huh? I didn't do anything!" said Nikki, stupidly.

"Then what are they talking about?" thought Beth.

"Let's find out.." grinned Nikki, putting her ear to the door.

Beth followed Nikki's lead.

"I can't hear crap.. can you?" asked Beth.

"Nope.. but hush.. I think I hear something." Nikki said quickly.

What she heard was the door opening. Nick opened the door and Nikki fell onto Joe's feet and Beth fell onto Nick's.

"Wwhhooaa.." squealed the girls.

"Man! One night with us and you're already staring to act like me!" laughed Nick, referring to the falling down.

"Did you really miss me that much?" Joe help Nikki up, laughing uncontrollably. Nick helped Beth up quickly and kept hold of her hand.

"Ha ha.. very funny!" said Nikki, with a smirk.

"If you wanted to know what we were talking about, you could've asked us. You didn't have to kiss our feet!" joked Nick.

"Nah.. we're sorry! We're just very.. I guess you can say.. paranoid." Nikki explained.

"Aww.. that's so cute!" laughed Joe. "Well, we don't want you two to feel uncomfortable, so.. what we were discussing was.. umm.."

"Jesus, Joe.. spit it out!" interrupted Nick, laughing.

"Nick! Man.. Ok.. Nick and I were wondering if you two.. would.. umm.. move in?" started Joe, nervously.

"We appreciate it, but.. we don't have enough money to live in a place like this and we don't want you to waste money on us with food or.." began Beth. Nikki just looked at Beth in shock.

"You guys wouldn't have to pay a cent.. don't even think about money!! And there's more then enough room! And We have more then enough money.. not to brag or anything!" explained Nick. "And the best part.. you wouldn't have to strip anymore.."

"I dunno.. I would feel like we're intruding! And Nick.. I rreeaallllyy don't think you're fiancée` would like that.." Beth explained, expelling a slight laugh.

"Oh.. and that's another thing.. The wedding's been cancelled. I'm not sure if my Mother has told her yet, but it is." told Nick.

"No! Do not cancel that wedding.. Please, I don’t want to ruin your wedding!" Beth pleaded with Nick.

"It's too late! Plus.. you're having my baby and I'm not leaving you to raise it yourself." Nick explained.

"Whoa.. intense.." Nikki uttered smiling at the display between Beth and Nick.

"Well, what the heck do you think about this whole thing, Nikki?" Beth asked, a bit irritated.

"Oh.. me and Mr. Joe here have already discussed all of this.." Nikki laughed, giving Joe a high five.

"Ah ha! I see.. you two are ganging up on us.. and.." Nick questioned, folding his arms.

"And.. I say.. as long as we get out of stripping.. plus.. Look at this house - it’s amazing!“ Nikki squealed excitedly.

"Well, we should go talk to Mom and Dad about this.." Nick suggested looking to Joe.

"Wait, wait, wait.. Parents?!" Nikki's eyes popped open.

"Yes, Nikki.. Mom and Dad are ppaarreennttss.. I swear.. You're an Undercover Blonde." teased Beth.

"What's wrong with blondes?" Joe asked running his hand through his scraggly brown hair absently. Beth looked at Nick and Joe and started laughing.

"Opps.. sorry.." apologized Beth, continuing to laugh.

"Parent's just aren't my thing.. umm.. nah. I can't.. It'd be like.. Hi Joe and Nick's Mom.. I screwed your son when I was stripping for him and now I'm pregnant.. I just.. can't." panicked Nikki.

"Oh, c'mon! You're gonna have to meet them sooner or later anyways. Why not today?" said Joe, honestly.

"Today?! Ahh! I need some clothes.. I'm definitely not showing up in your clothes! I need to get home and shower and all that stuff!" Nikki explained, pushing her hair out of the way.

"Alright.. If you think that's necessary, we'll drive you over there…,” urged Joe.

"It's definitely necessary!" joked Beth.

"But we can drive ourselves home.." told Nikki.

"No no no.. don't think so. We're gonna make sure we don't lose you again!" wailed Nick.

"Fine.. if you insist!" agreed Nikki.

The boys drove the two girls home to their small apartment and waited in the living room for the 30 minutes that it took the girls to get ready. As Nikki and Beth exited their bedroom, Joe and Nick arose from the couch in awe.

"Hello.." said Beth, laughing.

"What? Didn't actually think we could be decent looking?" laughed Nikki, straightening her black dress pants and dark blue turtle neck sweater. Her hair was in a two braided pigtails with her bangs hanging out.

However, Beth was in a blue sweater and in some laid-back blue jeans. Her hair was up in her traditional ponytail, like always.

"You two gorgeous ladies ready?" asked Joe, smiling.

"I may not be ready for another 50 years.. aww.. shucks.. too bad!" schemed Nikki, walking back towards the bedroom.

"Oh no you don't!" Joe grabbed Nikki by the shoulders and steered her back the living room. "There's no going back now!"

"Ah man.. this is gonna be just perfect.." whined Nikki.

"Oooh! Quit your whining, you flamer!" laughed Beth.

"Flamer? What? Wait.. I don't think I wanna know. Let's just get going!" smiled Nick.

"Ha.. Ready Freddy?" asked Nikki, directing it to Beth.

"Let's go, Joe.." smiled Beth.

"I like spaghetti.." Joe smiled.

"We.. all.. know...... oh! Forget it!" laughed Nick.

Joe and Nick just stared at each other with concerned faces and shrugged it off.

"I hope your parents aren't as weird as you two!" teased Nikki.

"As weird as us?! Of course not.. They're worse!" tricked Nick.

"Oh great.. just great!" shrieked Nikki.

"Stop scaring her!" Joe laughed as they all got in the car, now on their way to deal with a new road bump in this adventure.
♠ ♠ ♠
Off to meet the parents. How do you think that will go over considering the boys career, Nick's former relationship and the girls job. Thank you for reading so far and as always comments are greatly appreciated.

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