Status: In the works...

I Want You, You Want Me


Keys, lip gloss, tampons, wallet, iPod, cute skirt, left shoe, sunglasses, right shoe, emergency hand sanitizer, sweatshirt, note to parents left on counter, lights off, dog fed, and door, Hannah turned the key, twice to be sure, locked. Let’s go!

Pulling out of her driveway, she mentally scanned her surroundings – light post, avoided, car turning right, stop at stop sign, watch kid in yard with baseball, sunny, putting on sunglasses, pulling forward, checking left and right, passing Laredo St. and continuing on.

Order. Precision. Two words that Hannah Parker’s life revolved around. Lists kept the order, and checking them off kept the precision of her life on course. Hannah lived according to lists, routines, and reminders. Without them she would be aloof, and when in crisis she turned to lists, organizing messes and controlling something through a careful arrangement of square-bullets on a piece of paper. It is too bad that Harvey did not fit on her lists.

Five months, 8 movies, four festivals, and an insurmountable amount of text messages later, Hannah and Harvey were still kissing, smiling, laughing, and making each others’ hearts pound like the beat of a fortissimo bass drum.

Hannah wanted a good kissing, humorous, well dressed, talkative, non-smoker who could make her stomach fill with The Butterflies.

Harvey wanted a confident, sociable, charismatic, well-spoken, non-cheater who could make him want to hold her hand and hold her body.

One sculpting class and a serendipitous seating arrangement led Harvey and Hannah into an adorable winter romance that melted into a spring fling that was now bubbling into summer love. His kisses made her heart beat as swift as a swallow’s flight, and her hands made his body jump to attention, if you catch the innuendo. The couple could not get enough of each other, sneaking away early from gatherings with their friends to drive to the park late at night, when nobody else was there, to indulge in some much-desired physical affection.

Hannah parked her car behind the left side of the garage door at 4103 Hampton Boulevard and quickly bounded inside the house, nearly trampling Chastity with her apologies.

“Hannah, love, breathe!” Chastity took Hannah by the arm and dragged her into the kitchen that smelled of spicy seasonings and sautéing meat.

“I lost track of time, and then Lucia had to get fed after I dropped Kenny off at his soccer practice since Mom’s off at a business dinner, then some cow decided to park for 10 seconds at the light on Meredith Ave when it was green!” Hannah collapsed into the open bar stool between Harvey and Mary Jean, stealing a sip of Harvey’s ice water. Sarah sat beside Mary Jean, gossiping with her about this week’s episode of Glee and whether or not Puck was more attractive than Mr. Schuster.

Gabriel was attending the strips of chicken breast that were sizzling with peppers and onions in a sauce pan on the stove, and Chastity dove into her pantry, scanning the shelves for taco shells.

“Bottom drawer behind the box of Quaker Oats, dear.” Chastity’s mom shouted over from the other side of the room. She was encircled on the living room floor by piles of paper and opened boxes filled to the brim with packing peanuts. Her jewelry business got an upswing of orders in June as customers ordered pieces for graduating seniors.

“Hey there Little Miss ‘I Promise I Won’t Be Late,’ how was the interview?” Harvey slipped a hand around Hannah’s waist as she gingerly set his glass down, right in the dead center of the napkin.

“Oh, yes, the scholarship interview, well, I had to drive all the way to downtown Grovehurst to find the office building, and of course parking was a,” Hannah took a sharp breath in midst of her sentence. “nightmare.” She gave a false-forbidding look towards Harvey, who had not so subtly moved his right hand onto her ass.

“What say we duck out early,” he whispered into her ear, leaning close enough for Hannah to get goose bumps on her arms from his breath on her skin. “You and I could stop by the lake on the way back to my place?”

Wordlessly, Hannah thanked the heavens that she had stopped at Walgreen’s to buy condoms a few days ago. For weeks she and Harvey had been talking about sex. At first it was a discussion of what they liked, which progressed rapidly into a what would they like, how would they like it, and how far would they want to go to enjoy it? They were both old enough, although Hannah was eighteen and Harvey was 17, but they were mature enough to decide for themselves what they wanted.

Hannah remembered the first time that they had a discussion about sex, well it was pretty necessary what with the scariness of what happened. It was in February, about three and a half months into their relationship, when they were alone in Harvey’s basement…