Status: Finished

November Rain


Being your wonderful narrator for most of this story I think the most important thing to do is, introduce myself. It’d be a bit odd if I didn’t, correct?

Hello mates! I be Bridyn Harrison and I’m 17 years old. I go to a large high school in the middle of an even larger city in Pennsylvania. Most say that I have A.D.H.D. I like to say I have a great sense of humor that I use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

My mother believes I’ll be the death of her with all my stunts, constant nagging, and the amount of energy that I have radiating off. And she has every right to believe that because I am often reminded by ¾ of the human population that I ate the energizer bunny, which I did not!

Damn it. No one ever believes me, but it’s the truth! Why would I eat a pinky rabbit with sun glasses? That just screams don’t eat me! Besides, I don’t even like pink cotton candy and that’s what he reminds me of. Cotton candy! Blue is really good though…

Did I just get off topic? Yes, yes I did. Sorry ‘bout that lets continue about what matters ok!

I am currently a senior in high school, which means that I have had my fair share of relationships. Speaking of relationships, I am known as the relationship guru of this glorious high school. Whenever one has trouble with their loved ones, they come to me!

Because as an outsider looking in it is easy for me to pick out the problem and have them fix it. So it isn’t unusual to find me on the roof top with some random guy or girl talking to me about their love affairs. I actually like doing this. It makes me feel accomplished!

Since I can’t really do anything like math, which Kannon always reminds me about. Stupid, stupid Kannon! I’m so sorry that you’re just so damn smartnot that he ever shows it while I am more concentrated on important things like women, porn, cars, and video games!

Geesh, Kannon always acts like such a superior although he’s a blunt bum. He’s always lying around silently, never doing anything but breathing. Hell, I bet he wouldn’t even do that if it wasn’t what kept him living! And he’s always so blunt about everything!

He tells me every morning that I sound like a bitchy girl when I wake up. He’s no matter, that dumb ass is always sleeping, complaining, and making fun of people! And he calls me a bitch?

Ah, I got off topic again and I’m talking about something you don’t even know about. Whoops! Sorry.

Kannon Lightheart, now he is something different. He’s by far the smartest kid I’ve ever met, but he hides it. He never does any school work, home work, and he hardly does anything but sleep and complain about things. He doesn’t even have the energy to change the tone of his voice! I don’t know how his girlfriend puts up with him!

He’s viciously blunt with people and he isn’t scared to voice his opinion. Not only that, but he’s a babe magnet! How, I’ll never know. I guess it’s just his whole hot and mystery look that he has. Since he’s so lazy he never tells anyone about himself. The girls find that hot…weirdo’s!

Anyways, Kannon Lightheart is my best friend and has been since we’ve been in diapers. Somehow I’ve been able to put up with that pain in the ass for 17 long years! But I don’t regret it.

He helps me with my homework, school work, and whatever else I need. He’s always there for me when I need him, but I could do without his cruel attitude. Whatever, that’s why I’m his friend though.

“Hey dumb ass, stop day dreaming.”

Ah, of course he has to throw an insult in there!

“Asshole,” I scold, pursing my lips and glaring back at the boy behind me. His dark eyes clearly state that he’s bored and the blank expression he wears is the same that I see on him everyday. It’s rare for it to change, but it does happen, surprisingly. “I am not day dreaming!”

Like now, it changes into a smirk when my slow brain doesn’t pick up onto the fact that I didn’t deny being a dumb ass. Whining, I punch his shoulder and cry, “And I ain’t dumb! Stop messing with me.”

With a roll of his eyes Kannon goes back to resting his head on his arms. Those eyelids that always seem to be close fall over his eyes and his breathing evens out to tell me that he’s asleep again.

I sigh. “You bum. You’re totally useless.”

And it’s true! I don’t know why I’m friends with this kid. Stupid, stupid Kannon.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a bit different way of starting a story, but I kind of like it. It shows what Bridyn is like!
If you're wondering how to pronounce his name it's like this:

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